Early Morning Snow//Luke

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“Babe? Babe wake up." A large, soft hand presses against my shoulder, shaking me softly out of my slumber. 

I let out an uncomprehensible sigh as I turn over to meet the eyes of my boyfriend. ”Luke, what time is it?”

I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids keep closing and my body keeps begging for sleep. 

"I don’t know. Maybe three in the morning.” His voice is much too loud for such an early morning hour, and he sounds like he’s wide awake.

 ”Ugh. Was it really necessary to wake me up?” I finally force my eyes open, and look up at Luke. 

“Well,” he says. “It’s snowing babe, look!” He pulls himself from the confines of our bed, making his way to the curtains of our room. Gently, he pulls them to the side; when I look closely, I can see thick spots of white fall beneath the streetlight below.

“Oh,” I say, unamused.

He looks at me with his puppy-dog eyes. “Please?” He asks.

Confused about what he’s asking, I raise my eyebrows. “Please…what?” 

He moves from the window to my side of the bed, kneeling by my side. His soft, cool lips press against mine momentarily for a chaste kiss before he replies. “Can we pretty please go out and play in the snow?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I groan.

“But (Y/N), c’mon. Please? I never get to see snow. Please?”

I guess I often forget that down in Australia, there aren’t many white holidays. His excitement is understandable, and I know he wants to go have fun, but can’t it wait until we get some sleep? 

“Luke,” I whine.

“(Y/N), I promise that if you go out in the snow with me right now, I’ll spend the rest of the day in bed with you. Then you can sleep all you’d like. Okay? But for now can we please—”

"Fine, Luke.” I give in, smiling up at the beautiful boy before me. A huge grin breaks across his face, and in that moment I’m glad I decided to go out. I mean, look at him. He has a smile that could change the world. He interrupts my train of thought as he presses his lips to mine. A faint hum escapes his lips as he kisses me. “Let’s go get our coats,” he smiles as he pulls away.

Fifteen minutes later, Luke and I are standing in front of my apartment complex, shaking and shivering, not having bothered to change out of our pajamas. My flannel pants do nothing to keep me warm, and even with a warm winter coat covering my torso, I can’t help but shiver. The wind nips at my nose and ears, threatening to freeze me in my tracks.

I look over at Luke, who, despite his lack of warm clothing and the frigid temperatures that surround him, seems to be having the time of his life. He stands beneath the streetlight, attempting to catch snowflakes on his tongue.

I stand, mesmerized by my handsome boyfriend. I’ll admit, I hate the cold, and I would much rather be in my bed right now, but its nice to see Luke so carefree, so innocent. 

“What?” He asks as I stare at him. I shake my head, presenting him with a smug grin.

“Nothing, nothing." 

"No, seriously,” he asks with a smile. “What’s on your mind?" 

I shrug, trying not to notice the cold in the air. “You’re just really beautiful.”

He chuckles. “Isn’t that kind of a girly thing to say, (Y/N)?” 

I roll my eyes, stepping closer to my boyfriend. “Well, its true!” I argue. “You are beautiful.”

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