Homestuck X Reader Oneshots!

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You clutched your last bottle of hair dye and started opening it. You quickly found that it was empty, and dropped it. The empty bottle of hair dye hit the tile, and it made a loud hollow-sounding 'thump!' as it did. 'There goes another one of my attempts to be liked.' you thought. "Just another failure." 'Maybe if I hadn't been so nice...maybe I could have FORCED my way up.' You quickly shoved the thought away. You could never do that. 'But...Maybe people would have respected me more.' "Maybe I should stay away from them...and him. They would all be treated better if I wasn't burdening them..." You should avoid them. You wanted to. "If everyone would just leave me alone about my flaws..Just...leave me alone and stop trying to help me...Then I could do that.." You had considered puking your meals up before, but you forced yourself to keep them down for Tavros's sake. If he saw you like that he would be worried about you, and since you were living with him you knew you would be caught. You splashed cold water on your face to try to clear your mind, you were completely oblivious to the soft thuds nearing the door. Maybe you could just...You walked over to the shelf, reaching for a razor.  The footsteps got louder, and you froze. Not only because you were probably about to be caught, but also because you weren't sure whether you would be able to go through with it. With the water still running, both from the sink and your face still, you looked like a little girl that finished crying. Nothing like your usual tough demeanor. When the door opened you stumbled, hitting the shelf. That clumsy action caused the blade to tumble down onto you, all happening in the blink of an eye in front of Tavros. "_-___!" He exclaimed, though it was only a bit louder than his normal speaking volume. "Tavros...I'm sorry. This isn't-" You were cut off by having a hand clasped over your mouth. You looked up to see Tavros's face, apologetic and concerned. "_-____.Uh, What were you trying to"  "T-tavros..Its not what it looks li-" "____, uh...please don't do that again because I, uh..." "You what?" "I uh, c-care for you a lot..." He looked down, blushing a delicious chocolate color. "Tavros..." You sat there shocked before pulling his head down for a kiss. "_-____?" "It's okay. I care about YOU a lot." It was then he noticed the wound on your arm from when the blade fell. "C-can I... help you um...get cleaned up n-now?"

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