Dave X Reader: What A Mess!

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( A/N: I'm $o $orry that it'$ $o $hort! I think Dave is a bit OOC  in thi$...yeah...I'll redo it if you want! :3)

Dave POV:

You adjusted your shades and looked over at Terezi. She had multicolored chalk stains all over her body even after your attempts with Karkat to get it off. "Why isn't this stuff off yet? We washed her almost fifty fucking times." 

"WE!? You just sat there like the nook-licking asshole you are while I did all the fucking work!" The shorter troll went off on a rant as you sat there and tried to think of what to do. Of course you kept your cool while you did it. "What the hell is going on here!?" Both of you looked up to see a clearly pissed _____. Your eyes widened behind your darkened glasses as they once again proved themselves to be useful.

Reader POV:

If you were a troll you would be hissing. Unfortunately, you weren't. So instead you glared at Karkat. He was the only one who knew what was up, so he took it and nodded just enough for you to see. You would have liked to stare at the teenage boy's face, but thing was, your face would have matched his God Tier outfit if you did. Settling for simply not looking at him while you interrogated them, you crossed your arms. "I asked a question! What is going on-" it was then you noticed the unconscious body of Terezi. "And why is Terezi covered in rainbow spots?" Dave spoke first.

"She was asleep in a puddle of Faygo, and she had chalk all over her. So I cleaned her up."

"YOU? I was the one doing all the work!" Karkat growled. 

3rd person POV 

Deciding to believe Karkat, _____ sighed; placing her hand on her forehead in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"

"I don't kid ____. I drop sick rhymes."

"Ugh!" God! It so was difficult to stay upset with him.

"Whoa, _____. Chill out. Is there something wrong?" 

"No. Nothing's fucking wrong." _____ mumbled. They all stayed like that for a minute or so; _____ standing with her eyes closed, Karkat in his chair, Dave on the floor, and Terezi unconscious. Finally _____ brightened up and dashed out of the room with a "I got it!"

Dave and Karkat exchanged confused glances...well...as confused as Dave can get.  

Reader POV

The two boys' heads whipped around torwards the door as you returned with a weird container in your hand. "Vinegar!"

"What the hell is Vinegar?" Karkat asked.

"It's something used in cooking, but my family uses it to remove stains too. Unfortunately I'm allergic, so Dave will have to be the one using it." With that you started opening the container, only to have a hand placed on your wrist to stop you.

"Dave, let my wrist go."

"Last time I checked you weren't allergic to Vinegar, _____."

"W-well...." only now noticing the contact between you two, you became a flustered mess. 

"Okay, what gives _____. You've been fucking flustered all day, and you practically match Dave's outfit!"

Karkat. You glared at the troll a few centimeters away. 'You little shit,' you thought.


Suddenly a mischievous  smirk made it's way onto Dave's face. "You DO seem a bit jumpy. Is there something you want to say _____?"

That smirk almost stopped your heart, and you knew if you didn't tell him now Karkat would later. Shutting your eyes tightly you took a breath. "I have a big crush on you Dave, and I have for a while now!" you said in one breath.

"Wha-" Dave's cool kid act dropped for a moment and a small blush tinted his cheeks. This made you giggle softly and he questioningly looked at you before his facade returned. "Love you too _____." he whispered while pulling you into a hug.

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