Gamzee X Reader: Faygo?

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Reader POV

You flopped down on the couch and took a swig of your beer.  You had been through a lot lately. Your mother and father both were away, and they had left all the alcohol here. It was an easy target for you, and you took advantage of it to try and get rid of the nagging feeling that something was up. 

Another sip.

And another.

And another.

This went on until you finished the whole bottle. You simply tossed it lightly to the side and hoped it hit the pillow. Unfortunately you had no such luck. 

3rd person POV

______ cringed as the telltale noise of shattering glass hit her ears. "Damn." she muttered. "It's going to take forever to clean all of this up.... Wait. Clean. Forever." It suddenly hit her. The reason she had been so antsy. Gamzee, her best friend, was coming over tomorrow. She would never get the house clean in time!  "Shit shit shit shit!" ______ hissed, jumping up only to step on a shard of green glass. "Fuck!" the girl almost fell face first into some more of the shattered bottles if it weren't for the fact that she was clinging to the couches arm like a lifeline. 

Reader POV

Heaving yourself back up, you sat there for a minute or so, just breathing. Then it hit you. The irresistible urge for more alcohol. It nagged at he back of your mind until you gave in. Being more careful this time, you got up and tip-toed towards the kitchen.  'Almost...there...' you thought, not wanting to have another shard of glass embedded in your foot. Finally, after what felt like an hour, you reached your destination. Without hesitating you made a B-Line for the case of beer in your fridge. Score! There were three bottles left! You quickly grabbed one and popped the top. Now you only had to make it back... 'Alright...You can do this." It wasn't going to be easy with the beer in your hand. One step forward. Two steps. You were doing good so far. You were just about there when the doorbell rang. "Who is it!?" you yelled, a bit irritated and confused at who would be at her house. Unless....Oh. Shit. "It's me sis." Uh On. That voice was recognizable anywhere. "Gamzee? I thought you were coming over tomorrow!" You replied, not making any movement towards the door because of your current predicament. "It is motherfuckin' tomorrow _____. Can I up and come in now?" He asked. "I-I guess." What were you going to say? He didn't know about your drinking problem yet... 'Calm down ____, this is Gamzee we're talking about,' you thought. The door opened to reveal a smiling Gamzee. His eyes were half lidded as always, and he seemed to have a relaxing air to him. You blushed slightly, embarrassed at the situation you were in. "Whoa, _____. You need some help there sis?" You nodded yes and watched him stride over, his shoes preventing any of the glass from cutting him.

Gamzee POV

You picked ______ up with ease and started walking over to the couch. Looking around her house, you could tell she had clearly been drinking a lot. The beer bottle clutched in her right hand wasn't exactly helping her case either.  You looked back down at ______'s surprised face. "You motherfuckin' alright there sis?" she blinked twice before she replied. "Y-yeah. I'm fine...I just wasn't expecting you to be able to pick me up."

Reader POV

You watched as a small frown crossed Gamzee's features. Shit, he knew you were lying. "_____,"

"I um..."

"Are you sure you're up and alright?"

"Yes...I'm good.."

He placed you on the couch gently so you wouldn't get hurt or spill your drink anywhere. Moving to a sitting position, you patted the spot next to you as a gesture for him to sit. The juggalo quickly sat down, though it was...a bit too close for comfort. You had to keep yourself from just leaning your head on his shoulder and breathing in his scent. He smelled like Faygo and Sopor slime, both of which were sweet and intoxicating. It fit him, you thought. "Uh, sis? You listenin'?" "Oh, sorry Gam-Gam. I guess I zoned out for a few seconds....What were you saying?" Gamzee flashed you one of his dopey smiles as he replied. "Aw, it's motherfuckin' alright sis. I was just askin' about that supposedly miraculous drink you got there."

"You mean beer?" you asked. "Yeah, is it like...the human version of Faygo?" thinking for a minute or so, you finally answered "I guess...."

Then he did something completely unexpected. He simply pulled the beer you held up to his lips and took a sip. While you were blushing fiercely, he spoke. "That ain't motherfuckin' bad." You sighed in relief. "Hey...______?" the clown's attitude turned serious, and it confused you. "Yeah?"

"I was wondering..."

"What is it Gamzee?"

"Would you like to be my motherfuckin' miracle drink for a change?" You sat there, wondering what he meant until it hit you. "G-gamzee? Are you asking me....To..." He nodded. You practically flung yourself at him before saying "Yes!" He pulled away and kissed you gently, making sure not to cut your lips with his fangs. "Thanks ______,"

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