Eridan X Reader: Man Down (SONG FIC AT FIRST)

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(A/N: (F/DC) Means favorite dark color. :3 The song is Man Down by Rihanna )

Reader POV

I didn't mean to end his life

I know it wasn't right

I can't even sleep at night

Can't get it off my mind

I need to get out of sight

Before I end up behind bars

Your hands shook as you aimed the pistol at the once-again sober clown's head. You could end this chaos now. Just one bullet. 


Your fingers pressed against the trigger and the bulled was fired into his heart. As soon as you did, you started running. You had this all planned, and it was going good...well...the  plan was, you yourself weren't exactly the best at the moment. Taking a left, you came to the door to your 'hive' as the trolls called it. You opened the door and slammed it behind you. Immediately you were filled with regret and fear. Now you were a criminal, a murderer, just like him. You collapsed onto your knees.

What started out as a simple altercation

Turned into a real sticky situation

Me just thinking on the time that I'm facing

Makes me wanna cry

 The full force of what you had done had hit you when you saw him fall to the floor. What would the others think? Karkat? He would hate you. Tavros? He would cry for ages. Eridan?...Eridan. He didn't want to go there. The troll didn't particularly talk to Gamzee that much, but...He would think you were disgusting. 

You curled up against the wall, placing your head on your knees. A small tear fell down your cheek and landed on the pair of (F/DC) jeans you were wearing. "Why did I do it..." you asked yourself. It wasn't fair of you...he had a life too...he had. A sniffle escaped you and a faint honk made you jump, but you excused it as a simple noise. The only owner of a horn was Gamzee, and you had killed him...right? Three more honks sounded, slowly getting louder and louder. "What the..." you whispered.

Cause I didn't mean to hurt him

Could've been somebody's son

And I took his heart when

I pulled out that gun

Rum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum rum, pum, pum, pum

Man Down

Eridan POV

"Yeah Fef. I knoww- what the..?" You turned towards the sound of a gunshot. 'Only _____ has a gun though...' Your eyes widened and you started running towards the source. "Wait, Eridan!? Where are you going?" Feferi's voice sounded behind you, but you kept on running. You swear you heard a remark from that snotty lowblood asshole. You may not love Feferi anymore but he still ground on your nerves whenever he could. The next sound was the slamming of a door, and it was relatively close. "_____..?" You hoped it was an accident, or a joke. You really did. If any harm came to _____ you wouldn't know what to do. You were getting more and more worried as you approached the scene. Suddenly, you stopped. Gamzee was bleeding heavily from a wound just above his blood pumper. It was a bullet wound too. When you looked to his face you immediately saw the piercing yellow eyes and his grin. 'Here? Fuck...What wouldn't have survived...' you stopped your thought immediately. 

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