Karkat X Reader: Confessions and Comforts

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Karkat moaned unhappily as he opened the door, thinking it was one of his idiotic 'friends'. Instead he found a crying ____. She was a mess! Her (e/c) eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. Without any kind of greeting she stumbled inside and flung herself onto the couch. "What the fuck happened _____?" He prodded after sitting down next to the crying girl. _____ simply sobbed quietly into the pillow. Karkat sighed before he placed his hand on her back while rubbing small comforting circles. The cancer was startled when ____ turned and latched onto his arm like it was her lifeline. "_-____!? I can see something's clearly fucking wrong. Now tell me what happened." Karkat repeated, his voice softening near the end. The words you choked out were scratchy as if you had been crying so long that it was hurting your throat to even speak, which it probably was. "M-my...my boy-f-friend...he...h-he broke up with me and said that I w-was just worthless t-trash..-"

Karkat POV:

_____ took a shuddering breath before starting a whole new round of sobbing. You however, weren't filled with sadness or depression. Instead it was rage and shock. Her boyfriend (insert bf/random name here), was so good to her. They were dating for three years! You had been there since she started her relationship with him, and now after. Without realizing it you started stroking her (h/c) hair to try to calm her down, murmuring soft 'Shh's' and 'It's alright's'. After a while she finally stopped crying. But, when you got up to get her a box of tissues you noticed that she was hesitant to let go of your sweater.

Reader POV

Karkat returned with the box of tissues and you eagerly returned to his arm for comfort. This time however, you slid under it and curled up against his side while still holding his arm; thankful for the closeness. Karkat was your best friend, and you just might have developed a tiny crush on him. "_____....____!" You were brought out of your thoughts by Karkat's voice. He sounded irritated and you hoped it wasn't because of your earlier actions. Looking up, you didn't see anger or annoyance. You saw genuine concern. From Karkat Vantas. The crabby Cancer. "S-sorry Karkat..."

"It's fine you idiot. Look, do you want to go on a walk or something? It's better than sitting here fucking crying like a grub." 

Instead of answering with words you opted for a small nod.

Karkat POV

You knew _____ didn't know, but the look of surprise on her face when you picked her up was priceless.

"W-what are you- Aah!"

"You didn't look like you were getting up anytime soon."


Eventually you ended up putting her down because she insisted that you shouldn't have to carry her and that she could walk on her own. 

"Whatever floats your dumb ass human boat." 

3rd person POV

Karkat and _____ walked a few blocks until they got to a nearby park. Unfortunately, what had started out as a friendly walk turned into an ugly scuffle when _____ was suddenly confronted by her Ex-boyfriend. "Who the hell is this _____!? Don't tell me you just hooked up with some random guy right after you left me. What a whore." (Bf name) hissed. 

"What did yo-" _____ cut Karkat off. "I left YOU?! YOU left ME! Maybe I did find someone else! You know what?! It isn't even a maybe! I DID hook up with someone else! And his name is Karkat FUCKING Vantas! AND ALSO!" You paused before continuing. "YOU'RE calling ME a WHORE?! Last time I checked YOU were the one making out to my best friend! You didn't even bother to stop!"

Karkat was stunned, both by your sudden rage and the fact that he had even had the audacity to make out with her best friend. (Bf name) was along the same lines. Finally, he recovered and said "I bet you bribed him. Even HE wouldn't date you." the reaction he got shocked him even more. "What did you fucking say. Listen up bulge-licker! _____ doesn't fucking need a guy like you. She doesn't want a guy like you. In fact," Karkat turned to name and quickly smashed his lips against hers. "What the-" (Bf name)'s eyes widened, and he backed away for fear of getting pummeled. "K-kar...Karkat....Karkat he's gon- Mmph!" He didn't stop for a good minute or so. When he did, both of their faces were flushed and _____ was panting softly. "W-what....was that for..?"

"I understand if you don't return my feelings for you...but I...I'm fucking flushed for you _____. I have been for a long time."

Her expression changed from fear, to worry, to surprise, and finally understanding. A mischievous glint in her eyes shone as she leaned in.

"I'm sorry Kar...I...don't like you.."

Karkat's face read hurt so clearly it was almost painful before she spoke again.

"I love you, idiot." She chimed softly.

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