Sollux X Reader: Real Life

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You went to the next page, only to find that there was no next page. You had finally caught up with Homestuck! Part of you was feeling accomplished, while the other half was feeling a bit bummed. Your name was ____ ____, and you were a Homestuck fanatic. Your favorite character was, of course, the dual-themed hacker: Sollux Captor. Your friends on Pesterchum often teased you and 'shipped' you with him. You didn't mind, but you had no intentions of telling them that. You got up and  walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. You settled for a Strawberry Poptart. A bling from your computer drew you back to it like a moth to a flame. You of course didn't have time to read it before there was a knock at your door. Sighing, you muttered "Come in." before stretching out and leaning back in your chair. You heard the telltale click as the door opened and closed.

                          Normal POV

____ looked up to the door to see who had interrupted her. Who stood there caused her to gasp and fall out of the chair. It was Sollux Captor. Sollux. Captor.

Already a blushing mess she laid there on the floor with her arms crossed. "Are you ____," He asked. It didn't seem like a question, more like a questioning statement. "Y-yes."

"Now it's time for me to ask a question." Her voice betrayed the shock she was in, though she didn't stutter. He didn't say anything, just stood there like he was waiting for her to do something. Finally getting what his intentions were ____ scrambled to stand up. She walked over to him and started observing his features. ____ reached up and tugged on his right ear. "Ow! Hey! What wath that for!" he snapped. "To see if you're a fake." Was all she said. Next the girl reached up to examine his horns, but the Gemini stopped her by catching her wrist. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he warned her.

"And why not?"

"Jutht don't."

"Alright then," she looked annoyed, but wiped the look off of her face quickly when she motioned for him to come inside. "So what's a cosplayer doing going around and walking into peoples houses?" ____ questioned.

"Whatth a cothplayer, and why am I thuddenly one. I'm a troll you idiot."

"Wait. You don't...."


"So you are the actual real-life Sollux Captor!?"

"Yeth. Now anthwer my firtht quethtion."

"If I tell you what a cosplayer is, will you tell me why you're even here?"

"YETH. Jutht tell me already!"

"Alright. Well, a cosplayer is someone who dresses up as a character...."


"So NOW will you tell me why you're here?"

"Eathy, I wath looking for thomeone to thtay with, and thome people gave me your name."

It didn't take any more than a second to guess who had given her name out. "(Friends nameeeee)!"

"Whoa. Calm your titth."

Taking a deep breath, ____ turned to the troll after deciding to just tell him the rules. She had agreed with herself that it wasn't worth missing a chance to hang out with SOLLUX CAPTOR.

 Reader POV

"Here are the rules. You can sleep here on the couch. The bathroom is down that hall to the left-" You pointed torwards it before continuing "If you need something to eat you can ask me, and do NOT. I repeat. DO NOT, go in my room without permission."

Sollux just nodded.

 Sollux POV (3rd person)

Sollux felt the slightest hint of guilt for lying to ____ like that. The truth was that he actually had known you for a long time. You just failed to notice. He had watched you for a sweep, after sneaking a virus onto your computer, and enjoyed it. You were actually very pretty and interesting. You loved video games, which was also a plus. He was very pleased with himself when he found a way to get to earth. The first thing he had done was locate your friends. They pointed him in the direction of your house and were on their way.

Reader POV

Sollux was zoned out in front of you, and though you were guilty you were also grateful for a chance to look him over. His two sets of dual horns suddenly looked very realistic to you. Shaking your head you moved along quickly. His red and blue glasses glinted in the light and you noticed his overbite was cuter than ever. You found yourself wanting to give the Gemini a tight hug. While you tried to resist your instinct the aforementioned troll  snapped out of his daydream. He saw you staring and smirked. "Like thomething you thee?" a dark red blush crept up onto your face as you stuttered out an answer. "What? N-no.."


You yawned and stretched, lumbering out of the bathroom and into your room halfheartedly. "Niiight Sol. Don't break anything." You mumbled, your new nickname for him causing him to roll his eyes after you had shut the door halfway. 

Sollux POV

You tossed and turned, trying to sleep. Alas, your curiosity got the best of you and you stood up. You were barefoot and the thin cat-like pads on your feet prevented you from making too much noise. You needed to know what ____ was hiding or you would go mad! Carefully, you tip-toed down the hall. Your blood pumper beat faster as you reached her door. Peeking in you saw she was asleep and you slipped into her room. Sneaking a look at her face you felt your own heat up. 'Alright, come on and speed this up.' you thought. Locating the closet was the first step, and you did that with ease. It was a quite large walk in, perfect to hide. You moved to your next location and shut the doors silently behind you. The first thing you did was flick on a small lamp. It wasn't bright enough to shine from under the doors, but it was certainly enough to light up the space. Your face turned a darker shade of yellow every time you looked at a new picture. She had pictures of you and her together as a couple everywhere. They were signed by her friends, so you assumed that they drew them.

1...2...3... Wait. What. Everything clicked together! The girl you had a flushed crush on nursed the same feelings.

You never ran out of a place so quietly and so quickly. Once you were out you flung yourself onto the couch and tried to think up a plan.

*---THE NEXT DAY---*

You woke up early, right on time. Ten minutes before ____ would wake up. Running to the bathroom you ran your fingers through your hair and cleaned your teeth before walking into ____'s room and tapping her shoulder while leaning over her. She mumbled something that sounded like 'Gtfo.' and rolled onto her side. Sighing, you shook her gently until her eyes opened. They then widened when they saw who woke her up. "Sollux?" she asked tiredly. "Yep." 

"What are you-" 

"I never knew you had fluthed feelingth for me ____." 

Her eyes widened even more and a dark red blush set itself on her face. "How- how did you-"

"That doethn't matter right now." You smirked and leaned in, kissing her. You could instantly taste (Favorite flavor of something) and craved more. She wasn't a newbie and you could tell. The need for air broke your quick make out session, and you noticed that both of you were panting slightly.

"What was-"

Grinning, you whispered a reply. "Flushed for you too (Nickname)."

With a darker blush, she asked "M-matesprits?" You let your voice drop into a whisper "Matesprites."

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