This is it! The story ends for real?

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 "It's time."

 Tsubaki's timid voice pierces the silence left behind from conversations unsaid. The men have arrived.

 I look away from the window, not yet daring to lay my eyes on Stein.

 I'm scared.

 Soul is the first to walk in, naturally. He goes right over to Tsubaki and kisses her cheek, murmuring something to her about how he missed seeing her. I smile over at them. They're so confident in each other, so in love.

 Black*Star is next... holding hands with Kid?

 I don't expect that at all! I expected Black*Star to go with Patty or something! Well, I guess that as long as he's happy, I don't mind at all.

 All eyes are on the door frame as Stein enters. His eyes rake the room, finally settling on me. My cheeks turn a light pink from his gaze, but I don't look away. He walks slowly to me, and everyone turns back to their partner. I'm kind of in a daze right now, but when he gets less than a foot away from me, time stops.

 "You look beautiful, Maka," he whispers.

 I'm breathless. "Thanks. You look amazing, too."

 We join hands, my tiny one in his huge one. It's a brisk walk to the DWMA, and we're there.

 From the moment we step inside, the atmosphere changes. It's elegant and beautiful, with candles lit around the room and a soft classical piece playing in the background. The women are stunning, and the men are handsome. I instantly feel underdressed, although this is the nicest thing that I have ever worn.

 Stein guides me to a quiet balcony where we can enjoy the crisp December air and the lovely stars. I lean on the edge, looking down at the city below.

 "Isn't it a great night?" Stein asks with a smile. I nod, shivering.

 "A cold one as well," I answer.

 He pulls me into a gentle hug, the kind you want to stay in forever. He's warm and strong, like a blanket. But not nearly so soft.

 I pull away and go to look at the moon again, hands resting on the rail. I'm nervous that I'll do something wrong and ruin the night completely.

 Stein walks over and stands beside me, laying a hand on mine. "What's wrong?"

 "I'm scared," I confess. "I've never felt like this before."

 He turns me to face him and tips my chin up so I'm looking him in the eyes. "Maka. You're overthinking. Abandon all logic and just go with the night."

 I hug him, too embarrassed to do much else.

 "What are you two up to?" asks a smug voice.

 "Go away, Soul," I growl at my smirking partner. Stein and I jump away after realizing we were still side-by-side.

 He walks closer to me. "Chill, Maka. I'm just making sure you're alright."

 "Where's Tsubaki?" I ask suspiciously.

 He cooly shuts the accusation off. "She's talking to Black*Star, probably warning him about what will happen if he makes a mess in his room."

 "Well, maybe you should do the same to Papa, he's looking drunk and so is Liz."

 Soul steps even closer, now a couple of feet away. Stein's getting drinks. I'm all alone.

 "I think they'll be fine," he says in a quiet tone.

 I blush lightly at the way he's looking at me. "Are you drunk?"

 "No, I haven't had any liquor tonight. I'm just looking after you. Be safe if you and Stein screw, okay?" he says with a grin.

 "Idiot!" I yell, hitting him over the head.

 He laughs and hugs me. I sink into his embrace with a sigh.

 "Maka, our drinks," Stein says. I pull away from Soul, smiling.

 "See ya. Be safe with Tsubaki!" I yell with a grin as he runs off.

 Stein hands me a drink, which I take a sip of. "Yum, punch!"

 "Was Soul being a jackass?" Stein asks.

 I roll my eyes. "He always is. He was just trying to make me uncomfortable, don't worry about it."

 The clock strikes 11. "It's getting late," observes Stein. I nod in agreement.

 "Let's go dance!"

 We go and dance on and off, sometimes chatting with friends, sometimes making fun of the way the drunk ones are acting. Time passes by, and soon it's 11:59.

 "Maka, let's go to the balcony," Stein says, taking my hand. I follow, grateful to leave the now noisy ballroom.

 The clock is ticking down seconds. Before I know it, I'm pulled close to stein, his hand cupping my chin and his arm around my waist.

 12 o'clock.

 His lips press into mine gently, light as a feather. The kiss lasts until the last chime of the bell. He breaks the connection.

 "I love you, Maka."

 "I love you, Stein."

a/n YAY IT'S OVER! Just kidding, I'll miss it. Maybe I'll make a sequel.... for now, I'll start a new regular fiction series soon called "Hello, Master!". So keep in tune! I love you all so much! Check out my Tumblr and all that.


Screwed Up (Stein x Maka Soul Eater Fanfiction)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now