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Slamming my now empty, grey locker shut I picked up my now full book bag and headed towards the exits of Julian Foster High school. Today would be the last day I’d ever walk out those doors, today was the last day of boring classes, annoying teachers, snobbish classmates and terrible cafeteria food. Today was the last day of my high school career and I was not one bit excited and neither was I sad to go, don’t get me wrong I hated school but it was better than home and that’s why I’m not thrilled about leaving. I would much rather sit in a boring classroom than in a huge house all by myself.

“Luce!” a cheerful voice called and I looked over my shoulder to see Jared speed walking towards me.


“Why so glum, we’re finally getting out of this hellhole!” he cheered and I cracked a tiny smile.

“I don’t know” I shrugged and he grinned.

“How are you getting home?” he asked as he slung his arm around my shoulders and leading me outside.

“Walking?” I shrugged, casing his arm to slip off, but he didn’t noticed instead he shook his head.

“Nope you’re coming with me”

“You don’t have to, I don’t mind walking”

“I know you don’t but you live next to me, there’s no point in walking if I could just drive you” he said and opened the car door for me.

“Thanks but really-”

“Get in the car Luce” he chuckled interrupting me, rolling my eyes I did as told. He shut the door and walked around to his side.

“You know you could always get your own car and drive yourself, you have a license” he glanced at me as he turned out of the school’s parking.

“I like walking” I said.

“Nobody can like walking that much Luce, your parents bought you how many cars this year?” he asked.

“Two” I sighed and he raised his eyebrows.

“And what did you do with them?”

“I sold them again”

“Why?” he asked.

“Jared” I sighed.

“I’m just asking”

“You know the answer”

“No, I don’t”

“You’re really lucky, you know that right?” I asked and he frowned.

“Why, because I have-”

“Because your parents actually care about you, they genuinely love you” I mumbled. I dont know if it was because this might be the last time in a long time that I’d actually have human contact or because I’ve bottled this in for sixteen years of my life but I just spilled.

“They care Luce-” he tried but I snorted cutting him off.

“I haven’t seen them in three months Jared and we live in the same house”

“Maybe they went on a business trip?”

“My mom is a doctor and dad is an accountant they don’t do business trips and if they did they didn’t bother telling me”

“Luce” he began but I shook my head.

“They’ve forgotten my birthday for the past three years and when they realized that after a few weeks they buy me this ridiculously expensive gift to say ‘sorry’ ”

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