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Leading me down a series of hallways, stairs and past a lot of doors we finally arrived in the kitchen slash breakfast room. As we entered everyone stopped and looked up at us, and I mean everyone. King James, Queen Susan, his brothers, his sister and Stephy.

"Morning everyone" Jaxton greeted and they all answered with their own greetings.

"Uh, morning" I gave a slight wave and they all smiled at me smugly, like all of them.

"Morning dear, how did you sleep?" His mother asked.

"Uh good thank you" I answered.

"I'd say more than good I had to pry her off me" Jaxton replied and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That's not true! I left first!" I argued.

"They seemed pretty cozy this morning when I gave Luce her clothes" Stephy added and I glared at her. Traitor.

"Don't you dare!" I pointed at her.

"No, I want to know!" Jane gushed and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Janey it's not appropriate to repeat" Stephy smirked.

"Gosh shut it nothing happened, you're so dramatic" I sighed and turned to Jaxton for support but he was busy eating.

We just entered the room and he's eating, he has his priorities straight that's for sure. Sitting down beside him I loaded my plate with food.

"So should I start preparing a room for an heir then?" His mother asked and I nearly legit fell out of my chair.

"No!" I shouted and they all burst out laughing.

"I'm only joking dear, that's a bit quick even for the future queen" she patted my hand and we all started eating.

"Right so Lucille I'm quickly just going to explain a few things to you" his dad said as he gave his plate to a young girl.

"Okay" I said slowly.

"First thing first Jaxton will be announced as the King in three days so you need to prepare yourself seeing as you will be announced as the Queen aswell" he said.

"Hold on don't I need like training or something?" I asked and he snorted.

"Nah just go with the flow" he responded and my mouth fell open. The King just told me to go with the flow, basically he told me to wing it.

"Right okay"

"Good? Okay so then secondly after the announcement the next big thing for you is the mating ceremony. The mating ceremony takes place at whenever you feel comfortable with it-"

"That would be after our wedding" Jaxton sighed and I grinned.

"Wedding? What" Susan said confused.

"Lucille won't mate with me unless we get married" he explained and I nodded proudly.

"Are you serious? Why?" Jane asked.

"Well because in the human culture it's normal for couples to get married before they sleep together"

"But you're not human" she said again.

"For eighteen out of twenty years I was human. I'm sorry but ever since I was a little girl I've dreamt of my wedding day and by no offense I am not going to let a bunch of royal wolves spoil that for me" I said softly and Susan gushed.

"I'm down for this! It'll be so exciting!" She clapped her handd together and smiled at me.

"I second that" the King smiled and Jaxton groaned.

"Really? You're all traitors" he grumbled.

"Hey, Jax just think of it like this those two little words "I do" are the key to Luce's virtue" Stephy winked and I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"Shut it Stephy" I sighed and she cackled.

"You're innocent?" Jaxton asked and I frowned at him.

"Yeah?" I frowned.

"Vicky wasn't" he answered my unasked question. Well technically I didn't even know I wanted to ask that but I was satisfied with the answer.

"Right back to business. You guys get married, mate and then after you mate for the first time -without protection- you'll become pregnant with Jaxton's first child" the King said and I froze.

"Me? Pregnant?" I asked and the King nodded but before I could say anything Stephy kicked me in the shin.

"Ouch Steph!"I exclaimed.

"Sorry" she shrugged and with her eyes she told me to shut up.

"You okay Lucille?" The king asked and I nodded.

"Yeah you were saying something about a baby?" I asked.

"Yeah after your mating it's expected that you have your first child." He said and then stood up.

"That's basically all in a nutshell. Jaxton will do most of the ruling but you're required to join major meetings and help make majors decisions. But you'll get the hang of it." He flashed me a smile and pushed his chair in under the table.

"Boys its time for patrol" he questioned Jaxton's brothers and they grumbled but left.

"I'm off to the office, love join me after you've finished with Lucille I have some things to discuss with you" he smiled at Susan and I could feel the admiration between the two of them.

"I'm off to the mall, Steph want to join me?" Jane asked and Stephy was all to eager to go. Traitor she's ditching me with the Queen and Jaxton.

"Great now we're alone!" The Queen spun to face us so quickly my eyes blurred.

"Mother" Jaxton grumbled but smiled nonetheless.

"Right Lucille come stand over here" she beckoned me over. Slowly I stood and went to her glancing at Jaxfon he smirked at me.

"Okay stand with your legs should width apart. Back straight, shoulders back and chin up" she instructed and I did as told.

'Oh dear'
'Oh yes'

"Right Jaxton you did an outstanding job at choosing a mate she's in a great condition. Nice square shoulders, nice tall lenght but not to tall. She's got good muscle tones and a strong posture. Beautiful hair and exquisite eyes. Oh and her hips are perfect for bearing children. You can hardly tell she's actually human. Well done son" she patted Jaxton's hand and gave me a warm smile. Yeah whatever give me that smile its not like you just physically evaluated me like a drill sargeant in the military.

"So Lucille I think it's about time we get to know each other. Jaxton go do whatever it is you do in this place. I'm going to take your mate on a little tour" she grabbed my hand and left Jaxton smirking at me.

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