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It's been a few days since I have been thrown into this rotten sell with Annie and Courtney on our right. Annie and I were in the last sell and Courtney in the second last. From what I've been told I suspect the room to be huge, there were around about one hundred girls in here, all wolves of course. I also learnt that Courtney's sell mate was killed when I was still out and that was why she was the only girl alone in a sell. We haven't been bothered much; just a few kicks and insults here and there, I soon learnt that if you behaved they didn't do much.

"So Lucie?" Annie spoke up "I suspect you have family who is worried sick about you?" Annie asked and I rolled my eyes, not at her but at the mention of family.

"Nah, they won't miss me much" I shrugged and stretched my legs out in front of me.

"I'm sorry to hear that" she said softly.

"Oh, no it's okay it stopped bothering me a long time ago"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No, I'm the only child, my mother can't have kids there's something wrong with her womb so they only had me, which was a miracle but she's only my mother in the sense that she carried me for nine months" I sighed.

"And your dad?"

"Never see him, they both expect me to become this big shot doctor like she is but I want to study animals, wolves specifically, we had a huge fight on the day I was bitten and I ran away into the woods and I was bitten" I said the air was even heavier with misery now so I decided to change the topic.

"And you what about your family?" I asked and Annie immediately started smiling.

"Well my parents are great people and I love them very much, I have two sisters one older by two years and the other younger by four. Julia- the older one- I'm close to her, real close and Rachel the youngest is only into boys and selfies she doesn't spend much time with us. But she' a teenager so it's understandable" she smiled.

"And they all live with you in the pack?"

"No, Julia has gone to her mate's pack a few territories away, but I still see her often"

"Can you stop talking like we aren't all trapped in a sell waiting for death?" Courtney snapped and I raised my brow.

"Courtney is sour because she misses her mate, she's lost their bond"

"Shut up Annie!" she snarled and I grew uncomfortable.

"Sorry that was insensitive, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry" Annie apologized and she was sincere.

"Yeah whatever wait until you feel the bond break" Courtney scooted away from the bars separating us and into the shadows of the corners.

"What happens if your bond breaks?"

"Well the bond doesn't break it just grows weaker if you're separated and then fades, it's like an unwanted rejection"

"Do you die from it?"

"No, your wolf doesn't die, grows weak but doesn't die and if you were to be reunited with your mate it would feel like the first time you met them" she smiled a bit as she said that.

"So there's hope"

"There's always hope" Annie smiled and I nodded.

"Have any of you tried escaping?" I asked and Courtney scoffed.

"This place is impossible to escape from, it's heavily guarded" she snapped.

"How would you know, have you even tried?" I asked.

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