Square zero

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There was a knock on my door as I was busy in the bathroom. I was applying make up on the bite marks from when I was attacked.

"Lucille?" The voice came from outside my door.

"Hold on for a second" I called back and just finished up, smoothing out the imperfections. I opened the door and there stood Alec in all his glory with his hand raised in the air, caught in mid-knock.



"What are you doing here?"

"Well you told me to come apologize when I'm sober and myself" he said.

"And how would I know if you were yourself?" I asked.

"My eyes are they glowing?" He asked and I frowned.

"No, but they weren't glowing last time" I said and he swallowed.

"Oh? I uh-"

"Your wolf was never in control was he?" I asked.

"Yes, he w- no I lied"


"Look I'm sorry for shouting at you, for saying those things to you and for treating you the way I did" he said.

"It's okay" I leaned against the wall and he nodded.

"Okay good, so I'm forgiven?"

"Yeah, I guess you are" the corners of my mouth lifted slightly for half a second in a quick smile.

"Great" he flashed me smile and then we were just standing there. 

"So?" I asked.

"So?" He repeated.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Yeah" he bit his lower lip "I'm going to go now, see you later" he rubbed the back of his neck turned and left. Leaving me behind staring at the spot where he just stood. Laughing soflty I slipped on some socks and headed down stairs.

As I entered Mason and Stephy were arm wrestling and by the looks of it Stephy was giving him a bit of a challenge.

"Just give up!" She panted.

"Never!" He said and like that gave him energy he flattened her arm.

"Ah dang it!" Stephy whined.

"Bad luck sis" Mason smirked while flexing his guns.

"I'll get you next time" she pointed at him.

"You guys are surprisingly entertaining" I smiled.

"Luce!" Stephy hugged me and I patted her back.


"Listen I'll see you real soon I'm going to the gym" she winked.


"To train so I can beat that dork" she pointed over her shoulder at Mason.

"Okay enjoy"

"Oh I will" she laughed and left.

"And the dragon has awoken from its slumber" Mason said.

"Dragon?" I raised my brow.

"Yeah well you're a little firespitter so I figured why not call you dragon?" He shrugged.

"Okay so if I'm the dragon whose the princess I've captured and whose going to slay me?"

"Well there's no princess just a prince and he won't slay you he'll just get you laid" he winked and I snorted.

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