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   Everything packed into my large suitcase, I enter the large building I see in front of me. The sign says it's the sign in building for the Summer Camp my parents signed me up for.
   It's a music camp, I guess, And my parents made me bring my guitar. All of my friends already had plans for vacation with their families, while mine is at the hospital as of right now.
   My sister, Alice, Had Gotten in a car crash with my mother. My father had acted as if it were my fault that the car crash happened.
   And he took away my tickets to meet Max and Harvey in my town. And he ripped them up. It's been three days since then, and the show had already passed.
   I really wanted to meet them, mostly Max because he is my favorite, but the chance is gone. And I hate my dad for that.
   So I may as well make the most of my Summer, right?
   I walked into the building, taking in all the people already waiting for their cabins to be announced.
   I walked up to the desk, and she gave me my cabin number and a key. There would be two boys and another girl in our cabin, and we would room on each side of the cabin.
   Cabin number 14, it read. So I headed towards the cabin, hoping the boys were nice and the girl wouldn't hate my guts.

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