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Sally Williams was bored. The 8 year old had been left behind. Again. The Creepypasta mansion was often a very lonely and boring place for Sally. She was the youngest Creepypasta, and so was always left at home while the others went hunting or on missions for Slenderman. Sally sighed, and violently knocked over her jar of crayons, wincing as the glass shattered on impact. She slowly rose up from the dark rug where she had been laying to draw, and looked at the mess.
"Uh-oh," she said out loud. Slenderman was going to be mad. Sally heard a loud bang from the kitchen, and squealed, thinking it was Slenderman coming to tell her off. She quickly ran to hide behind the large sofa, peeking out from the back. She heard footsteps approach, and quickly ducked down, pressing her hands over her eyes. She heard a sigh, followed by a deep, husky voice.
"Come out Sally, I know your hiding."
Sally slowly took her hands from her face and peeked around the sofa again. It was Eyeless Jack, back from his hunt and maskless, with his hands on his hips. Sally sullenly stepped out from her hiding place, taking small steps. She looked up at Jack through her long hair, staring at him with wide, green puppy dog eyes. Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Sally, Slender is going to be mega mad if he see's this," he pointed out. Sally looked at the ground.
"I know... I'm sowwy Jackie," she sniffed. Jack ruffled her tangled hair affectionately.
"Come on," he said, "help me clean this up and he won't even know."
Sally looked up and smiled. She helped the grey-skinned 19 year old demon boy clean up the broken glass and scattered crayons. After it was done, Jack sat Sally on a bench stool in the kitchen as he began baking some cookies.
"Sally, why'd you smash that jar anyway?" He asked, rolling cookie dough along the bench. Sally crossed her arms, and a little crinkle formed between her brows as she frowned.
"I'm sick of getting left behind!" She huffed. "Everyone gets to go outside and do stuff, but I have to stay here by myself all alone because I'm not old enough!"
Jack wiped a hand along the bridge of his nose, leaving a smear of flour behind. Sally giggled.
"Well, it's not all bad being here by yourself Sally," he said. "You get to do whatever you want!" Sally crinkled her nose.
"But there's no one else to play with!" She complained. "It's boring if I play by myself!" Jack turned to place the cookies in the oven.
"Well maybe you need to make a friend who will stay behind with you every now and then?" He suggested, dusting his hands on his dark blue hoody. Sally mumbled to herself.
"But who would stay with me?"

A few hours later the cookies were done and the rest of the Creepypastas were home. As soon as Jeff walked through the door, Sally tackled him in a hug.
"Jeffy!" She shrieked in his ear. The killer clapped his hands over his ears, leaving the girl hanging off his neck.
"Sally! Get off!" He laughed. She only hugged him tighter.
"Jeffy I'm boooored!" She whined. Jeff shook his head.
"Go play some games with Ben or something," he said, finally disentangling himself from her. Sally dropped to the floor and raced towards the living room. Ben was already there with Ticci-Toby, who was wearing his mask and orange goggles, playing Mario Cart.
"No, no, NO!" Ben yelled at the screen as his character flew off the side of the track. Toby laughed.
"Hey S-Sally!" He said, noticing Sally standing in the doorway.
"Toby!" She screamed, bolting towards the twitching boy. Toby yelped and fell backward into Ben as Sally crashed at full speed into him. Ben groaned from beneath the weight of the two Creepypastas on top of him.
"Urgh, get off me you fat lump," he groaned, trying to shove Toby off of himself. Toby laughed.
"Oh no, g-gravity is i-increasing! I c-can't stop i-it!" He ticked as he forced his weight down upon Ben's small frame. Ben screamed. Sally giggled and threw herself on top of the wriggling pile.
"Ha ha Benny can't breathe!" She sung. Toby held onto her as Ben struggled to wiggle out from beneath their combined weight, turning an alarming shade of red. Toby finally decided to let the poor elf breathe, and stood up, holding Sally's hand.
"Hey S-Sally?" Toby asked, a cheeky smile forming on his face. Sally cocked her head.
"Yeeeaah?" She replied slyly. Toby grinned.
"LETS G-GO RAID THE C-COOKIE JAR!" He screamed, pelting at full speed towards the kitchen. Sally laughed hysterically as she raced after the ticking boy, dodging under arms and around legs. They finally reached the kitchen, and Toby lifted Sally up onto his shoulders. She reached up to the very top cupboard, seizing the cookie jar with a triumphant roar. Toby let her off his shoulders, and they quickly opened the lid and grabbed handfuls of the sugary treats. Toby was just stuffing his pockets when they heard a loud booming voice.
"Sally! Toby! What are you doing?!"
Sally looked at Toby, and they both bolted, out the door and into the forest, giggling the entire way.

They finally came to a stop at a small clearing. They both sat down and shared the sugary cookies. Sally looked at Toby.
"Toby," she began.
"Y-Yeah Sally?" He replied around a mouthful of crumbs.
"Will you stay behind with me one day when everyone leaves?" She asked in a quiet voice. Toby looked at the small girl. He smiled gently.
"S-Sure Sally, if S-Slenderman says it's o-okay!" He stroked her messy hair.
"Thanks Toby!" She piped.

Eventually it began to grow dark. Toby lifted Sally onto his back and let her piggy-back him back to the mansion. When they got there, Slenderman was waiting at the door.
"Toby, as punishment for stealing food and running away, you may now help Masky and Hoodie on their next mission. It is threee weeks long, and should keep you out of mischief."
Toby lowered his head obediently. Darn, Sally thought. That means three weeks until I can play with Toby again! Slenderman's voice cut her from her thoughts.
"Sally, your punishment is that you are grounded. You are not to leave your room except for mealtimes and to go to the bathroom. And you must help out Jeffery and Benjamin if they need it. Understood?"
Sally nodded, but on the inside she was fuming. That means I can't play with anyone unless they come to my room! Slenderman dismissed Sally and Toby, and they each went their seperate ways. Sally climbed the stairs and trudged into her pink painted room. The pastel walls and candy colours curtains and rug where comforting. She climbed up to her soft bed, moving a few stuffed toys over so she could fit.
"Goodnight Charlie," she whispered to her favourite brown teddy bear.
"Goodnight Bo, goodnight Missy, goodnight Razor, goodnight Stuffins', goodnight..."
She soon fell asleep, before she had finished saying goodnight to the rest of her toys.

Dearest Friend... (Creepypasta Sally Williams)Where stories live. Discover now