Contusions, Lacerations, and spirits

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Sally woke late the next morning to the smell of pancakes and maple syrup. She opened her eyes with difficulty, to find Toby sitting beside her with a tray of steaming pancakes and fresh juice. Sally looked at him, confused. Toby smiled, his eyes remaining sad.
"I t-thought you d-deserved breakfast in b-bed," he explained. Sally thought back to last night.
"How is Masky?" Sally asked uncertainly, fiddling with the edge of the blanket. Toby cracked his neck.
"H-he's fine Sally," he replied honestly. "He will b-be up later t-today."
Sally nodded. She got out of bed slowly, feeling her body ache as she moved. Toby gasped.
"Sally! What happened to you?"
Sally's eyes widened as she stepped over to her full length mirror, and ran fearful eyes over her body. Her arms, legs and throats were mottled with bruises, ranging from black to pale green-yellow. Toby had tears in his eyes as he helped Sally lift up her nightgown to reveal deep scratches and more angry red and black bruises and welts on her stomach, ribs, chest and back. Sally whimpered.
"SLENDERMAN!" Toby screamed. Slenderman appeared out of nowhere, and actually flinched at the wounds.
"Sally, what is going on?" He asked softly in disbelief. Toby glowered at him.
"S-she didn't do a-anything!" He cried, his voice breaking. Slenderman placed a hand on the twitching boy's shoulder.
"I know child. But Sally tried to hurt a Proxy last night and woke up like this. What is happening to her?"
Toby shook his head. "I-I don't know..."

Slenderman carried a whimpering Sally down to the hospital ward, leaving her in the care of Dr Smiley. He then left to speak to his proxies in his office.
"Masky, I'm glad your okay," he said as the three proxies stood before him. Toby was hunched over, arms around his small body as he shook. Masky had an arm around him, whispering comforting words in the younger boy's ear. He looked up as Slender turned his gaze on him.
"Sir," he began. Slenderman nodded.
"What is it Masky?"
Masky swallowed.
"I... I think I have an idea on what's going on here."
Slenderman, Toby and Hoodie all stared at the masked man. Masky sighed and began to explain.

"Before we left for our last mission, Sally was playing with Toby quite a lot, and I began to notice something. Before then, she would always have her bear, Charlie, tucked under her arm, or at least in the room with her. When she began playing with Toby more, she began leaving Charlie in her room more often. But what was strange was that, she would leave the bear in her room when she was playing with Toby, but whenever I would come to find Toby for a mission or task, Charlie would be ist outside the door, as if he was watching or listening to Toby and Sally. As if he were... jealous.
Then Toby left for the mission, and Sally went back to playing with him again and things went back to normal. Or, almost normal. When I came home early from the mission to report back to Slenderman, I overheard a strange conversation between Sally and her bear. Sally was acting as if Charlie was telling her to play with knives. And it sounded like she had done it before.
So I decided to have a closer look at Charlie. I had to tell Sally that he was sick, so that I could take the bear to Jason, to see if he had any idea. Jason said it could be a spirit attached to the teddy, but I didn't think it was, because Sally hasn't had anyone close to her die, not even before she became a Creepypasta. So I decided to stick close to Sally to see if I could figure out what was going on. I guess Charlie got jealous again though. My guess is, he can speak to or influence Sally, and he told her to try and kill me. So that he can be her only friend. But when I didn't die, he got angry, and took it out on her.
That's my theory anyway."

Slenderman stared at Masky.
"You may be right," he muttered, "But how are we going to stop Charlie?"
Hoodie stepped forward.
"We could burn it?" He suggested quietly. Toby shook his head.
"No, Sally would n-never let that happen. W-What about an e-exorcism?"
Masky frowned.
"It might not be a simple ghost or spirit."
Slenderman crossed his arms as his proxies argued. Then Hoodie spoke up.
"How about Masky and I go through Sally's entire back file and see if there is anything at all about any deaths?"
Then Toby jumped up.
"I've g-got it!" He shouted. "W-what if it is a s-spirit, but it isn't attached t-to Sally, it's a-attached to Charlie!"
Masky and Hoodie exchanged a glance.
"You must be right!" Masky yelled, grabbing Hoodie's sleeve and tugging him to the door.
"We will find out everything we can about Charlie!" He called out as he ran through the door. Slenderman looked down at Toby, who had a small, proud smile on his face.
"Well done Toby," he praised. "Now, can you please go and look after Sally? I don't want her hurt again."
Toby nodded and scampered off to the hospital wing.

An hour later, Hoodie slammed a large file victoriously down on the desk in front of Slenderman. The entity looked up to see his two proxies standing over the file.
"Sir, we found it!" Masky exclaimed breathlessly. Slenderman reached out a long, white hand and picked up the file as Masky babbled on.
"Charlie was given to Sally on her third birthday as a present. Her mother bought him second hand from a lady in a nearby second hand store. He had come from a Scandinavian family who's little boy had been killed in a home break in. The boy's name was Charlie Anderson. He was shot in bed six times in the chest before the intruder was captured. The little boy died two hours later, alone in the hospital. His parents didn't want to see their child so injured. So he died by himself, scared and in pain. The only thing he had was his favourite teddy bear, who he had not let go of, even as he got shot. That's why his spirit has attached himself to the bear. It also explains why he is so jealous whenever Sally leaves him to play with someone else. He just wanted someone with him as he died in the hospital, but there was nobody. So he now wants Sally to have nobody but him, just as he had nobody but his bear."
Slenderman nodded, skimming over the information in the file.
"Right," he said, standing up.
"Find me the bear..."

Masky and Hoodie split up to find Sally's bear. Hoodie went to her room, and Masky went to the hospital ward, just as Toby and Sally were walking out. Sally was much better, Dr Smileys magic had healed the wounds and faded the bruises. She still looked terrified.
"Sally, how are you feeling?" Masky asked gently as Sally hid behind Toby's leg. Sally peeked out from Toby's leg, her face hidden behind her hair.
"I'm okay," she said quietly. Masky knelt down.
"Sally, I need you to tell me where Charlie is, okay? It's very important."
Sally's eyes glinted from the dark shadow beneath her hair. She started to shake. Masky frowned.
Sally raised her arm, pointing down.
"He's down there..." she said in a very small voice. Masky shook his head, confused.
"In the cellar? Why would your teddy be in the tunnels?" He asked. Sally shook her head slightly.
"Not the bear. The boy. Not the tunnels. Hell."
Masky straightened and looked at Toby with wide eyes. Toby had the same look on his face.
Oh god.

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