The Demon Himself

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Slenderman arranged for his three proxies to go with him, deep down into the cellar tunnels, to find someone to help with the situation. Slenderman placed a hand on Sally's shoulder.
"Sally," he began gently, " I need you to stay here with Eyeless Jack, okay? I don't want you getting hurt."
An angry look passed over Sally's face.
"No! Charlie is MY friend, and I don't want you to hurt him! He is my dearest friend I have ever known, he has always been my friend, even when YOU AND EVERYONE ONE ELSE LEFT ME HERE ALONE!"
With that, the young Creepypasta spun around and bolted towards the cellar tunnels. Slenderman rushed to the little group behind him.
"Masky, Hoodie, Toby, come with me. Jack, go and find as many people as you can, and meet us in the cellar. We must find Sally before she gets hurt."
Jack nodded and bolted out the door. Slenderman quickly sent out some tentacles and wrapped them around the three Proxies limbs, before teleporting them downstairs to the tunnels. He quickly turned to the teens.
"Okay, split up. As soon as the others get here, I will send one to each of you to extend the search. Remember. We are looking for Sally first. If you come across the bear, tell me, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Understood?"
Masky nodded, as did the other two, as Hoodie drew out his gun and Toby pulled his hatchets from his belt. Slenderman nodded, and the proxies ran down seperate paths. Slenderman took a fourth path, and the search began.

Sally sniffed and scrubbed at her eyes to try and clear the tears that were blurring her vision. Her foot hit a crack in the stone floor and she crashed to the ground. As she did, her head smashed against the rock, and Sally let out a little scream of pain. She sobbed as she carefully lifted herself up on her arms, shaking. Her vision blurred. She began to cry harder.
Why had she left? Now she was lost and hurt. She lifted a hand to the sore patch on her temple, and felt something sticky snake its way down her face. Her fingers came away red.
Suddenly, a small voice came from somewhere down the tunnel behind her.
Sally listened harder. Someone was coming! They were calling her name! The sounded familiar. She tried to stand, but spots appeared in her vision and she felt sick.
"I-I'm here!" She yelled falteringly, trying not to notice the way the room was spinning. As she felt herself begin to fall, she heard the voice again, right by her ear.
"Gotcha Sally, my dearest friend..."

Toby jogged down the dark tunnel. He was extremely glad that his tinted goggles provided him with slight night vision. The stone walls all looked the same, but the young boy could see smears of dried blood and fingernails imbedded into the hard surface, from previous victims. None of it was recent enough to be Sally though. As he ran, he felt his hatchets bump his thighs.
'God, what I would do to that stupid bear if I could find it would make my father's death look like a small accident.'
Toby shook his head and ran on, determined to find his best friend before it was too late...

Masky slowed his descent into a creep as he came to a sudden drop in the ground. It was one of the collapsed tunnels that had been there for years. A cold chill ran through the man.
What if Sally fell down one of these collapsed floors?
Masky had no choice but to make his way down. All proxies had the ability to teleport a short distance, but Masky thought it was safer to climb down himself. He carefully made his way down the rocky ledge. Even with his strengthened vision, he couldn't see more than a meter below him. However, when his foot hit a small stone, he heard it clatter for many seconds before it fell too far to hear. Masky grit his teeth and steeled himself. If Sally was down there somewhere, he was going to get her out alive...

Hoodie prowled around a corner, gun in hand. He heard a quiet sound behind him, like a stone scattering across the floor, and spun, flicking the gun towards the sound. He held his breath, listening for another sound. After a minute of silence, he lowered the gun and continued walking. As he turned the corner, he noticed something dark spread across the ground a few meters ahead. Hoodie slowly approached the substance. In the darkness, it appeared black and inky. Hoodie crouched down beside the stain, and removed a black glove, allowing him to dip a finger into the liquid. He slowly brought it to his face. As soon as he did, he knew it was Sally's blood. The smell of metal mixed with a sugary sweet smell. Hoodie straightened, and quickly spun in a circle, searching for any more clues. The tunnel was bare. But the blood was fresh, maybe half an hour old. Hoodie held a hand to his temple as he sent a telepathic message to Slender and the other two.
'I found blood. It's Sally's. She is close.'
Within a minute, Slender and the two proxies were joining Hoodie in the tunnel, along with Eyeless Jack, Jeff, Ben, Jason, Puppeteer and Bloody Painter.
"Jason, Puppet and Painter know the tunnels well," explained Slenderman. Hoodie quickly explained the situation of the blood. Slender nodded briskly and called attention.
"Okay, Sally is close. We MUST find her as quickly as possible. We will go in pairs. Whoever finds her or any clue to finding her, call the others immediately. Jeff and Jack, you two take the furthest tunnel in the next branch off. Ben and Hoodie, you two take the next one. Masky and Toby, you two are next, then Puppeteer and Painter, you take the second last. Jason, your with me in the closest tunnel. Now, go, as fast as you can!"
With that, the group split up, running off towards the seperate tunnels.

Sally opened her eyes with effort. She seemed to have some sort of weight on her chest, pushing her into the hard stone floor where she lay. She couldn't see a thing in front of her, except for a dark shape about 30cm away from her face. She coughed as a sharp spike of pain shot through her skull, near to her temple. She could feel blood, cold and sticky, smeared across the side of her face and matted into her hair. She whimpered.
"Oh no no no Sally! You mustn't cry! Now you can be like me!"
Sally gasped as she felt the weight lift off her chest and a match sound was heard. Suddenly, a large oil burner lit up, revealing Charlie, holding a burnt out matchstick in his furry paw. Sally trembled as the teddy bear crawled over to her. She heard a small tearing noise, and the teddy's fur seemed to peel off, rolling off the toy body to fall in a heap on the floor. The underside of the shed fur almost looked like skin...
Sally looked up as the white stuffing began to roll, seeming to change into a thick cloud right before her eyes. The white cloud turned dark, bubbling with furious intensity. Sally could feel a wave of hatred, anger and something darker hit her like a wall. She gasped and sobbed, shuddering in fear. The swirling cloud slowed until it formed a shape, the shape of a little boy. The darkness slowly faded until Sally could just make out some features, like the pale hair and skin, and faded blue/grey eyes. He had a downturned mouth.
"Sally..." the boy said in a whispery voice, just like Charlie's voice. Sally edged back as far as she could. The boy shook his head and grinned psychotically.
"Sally, it's me! Charlie! Your best friend! Remember?"
Sally shook her head.
"How are you Charlie? My Charlie is a teddy bear!" She cried. The boy smiled gently.
"That teddy was just a vessel for me Sally. I died a long time ago. My parents didn't even stay with me. All I had was my teddy bear. So when I died, I stayed with my teddy, the only one who was ever there for me. Then I was sold to you, and it was like a had a new best friend, a real one! I didn't want to ever leave you. But then that twitchy boy was getting your attention more than I was. He was making you forget me! And then that boy with the mask! So I tried to stop them, so you would come back to me. But it didn't stop.
So I decided to make you into what I am, so we can be best friends forever! I even picked out a toy for you! See? Isn't she pretty?"
The boy stepped aside to reveal a small porcelain doll, complete with brown hair, falling in ringlets down her back, a pale, frilly pink dress and bright green glass eyes that seemed to stare straight through Sally. Sally shook her head and sobbed.
"No! I don't want to! Please! I just want to go home and be with my friends again! I don't want to die again!" The boy frowned.
"But Sally, if you do this, nobody can hurt you, or forget you again. You can play with me all the time! And you get to be a pretty doll!"
Sally squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head violently.
Sally felt a burning sting flare up on her cheek and screeched. Her teary eyes flew open, to find the ghostly boy just centimetres from her face. His own face contorted into a look of terrifying anger.
"YOU WILL BE MINE!" He screamed, and reached behind his back. As he withdrew his hand, the gleam of the sharp kitchen knife was revealed. Sally screamed, and just as the boy was about to lunge, someone yelled, and a loud BANG shot through the air...

Dearest Friend... (Creepypasta Sally Williams)Where stories live. Discover now