Rescues and Birthday Cakes

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The ghostly boy jolted as something flew through his body. A dark stain began to spread through his chest. Sally covered her mouth with her hands as the boy bared his teeth and growled. The sound reverberated through Sally's body. She screamed as the boy was pulled roughly off her, his limbs twisting in a gruesome manner as he was dragged backwards. Arms wrapped firmly around Sally's uncontrollably shaking body, and she let out a terrified scream. She began to thrash around madly, trying to get the arms to release her, but then she recognised the black gloves and stripey sleeve.
"Toby?" She asked in a small, uncertain voice. She felt herself get turned around to face her captor. It was Toby.
"Toby!" She screamed, twisting her fists into his jumper and burying her face in his chest. Toby placed a hand on the back of her head, and squeezed his other arm around her small body.
"Shhh," he whispered, "its o-okay, you're safe!"
Sally turned to discover Hoodie, who was the one who had shot the ghost boy, standing over Masky who was securely holding down the boy. Slenderman was standing with Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Jason, Puppeteer and Bloody Painter. Puppet slowly drifted over to Toby and Sally.
"Sally, are you alright my dear?" He asked worriedly. Sally gave a small nod and a brave smile, wiping away her tears with the back of her fist. Toby stood up, still holding Sally to his chest, and turned to face Masky and Hoodie.
The two proxies were standing over the ghost boy, Hoodie aiming his gun at the boy's chest. Slenderman stalked over.
"Charlie Anderson," he boomed.
"You have one of two choices. Either you leave, and never return or make contact with Sally Williams ever again, or we will make you leave. What is your choice?"
The boy glared at the towering entity above him. Then he smirked.
"You wanna have a go at making me leave? Go ahead!"
With that, Jeff, Jason, Bloody Painter, Eyeless Jack and The Puppeteer were thrown out of the room, the door slamming closed behind them. Sally heard Jeff pounding on the door.
"You leave her alone you bastard!" He screamed through the metal. Toby clutched Sally tightly as the air around them blew up into the size of a hurricane.  Sally's hair flew up around her face, and Hoodie's hood blew back. Slenderman's tentacles burst through his back and whipped through the room, wrapping around Masky, Toby and Hoodie's waists, securing them in place. The ghostly boy laughed.
"You think this is bad?" He guffawed. Slender stood tall and threateningly, and a burst of static pierced Sally's eardrums. She clapped her hands over her ears, and vaguely noticed Masky and Hoodie do the same. Poor Toby collapsed to the ground in pain, not letting go of Sally. Sally looked up as the boy screamed. It was a high, earsplitting, demonic sounding scream, laced with terror and pain. Sally's eyes met his, just as the ghostly form disintegrated, the scream fading out into a soft echo throughout the room.
The metal door clicked, and the Creepypastas bared through, Jeff holding his knife at the ready. Slenderman released the proxies, and they quickly ran to one another, checking each other for injuries, and fussing over Sally. Jeff ran over and gave Sally an awkward, enthusiastic hug while Toby tried not to fall over. Sally yawned, and Toby ruffled her tousled hair.
"T-Time for b-bed aye Sally?" He smiled as she rubbed her eyes. Sally gave a sleepy nod. She was exhausted. Toby exchanged a few quick words with Masky and Hoodie, and starters off out of the tunnels. By the time he had reached the cellar door, Sally was fast asleep, curled up in Toby's arms. Toby smiled and made his way to Sally's room.
Toby gently lay Sally down on her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. His mouth curved downwards slightly. She looked so lost and alone without her teddy snuggled up in her arms. Toby thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up. He quietly snuck out of the room, and within five minutes he was back, holding something in his hands. It was a little toy bunny, all made of patchwork with floppy ears and long arms. He gently tucked the bunny into Sally's empty arms, and watched as a small smile twitched the corners of Sally's mouth. Toby smiled in relief, and crept back out of her room, closing the door firmly behind him.
Jason The Toy Maker was there waiting for him. The toy maker smiled, his green eyes gleaming.
"Did Mr Bunny fit in alright?" He asked quietly. Toby nodded.
"Y-yeah. It will do u-until you can m-make her a n-new teddy b-bear," he replied softly. Jason nodded.
"And he will protect her from anything."
Toby smiled and left to go and find Slenderman.

The next morning, Sally woke up to Toby and Ben sitting on the end of her bed. She raised an eyebrow.
"What are you two doing?" She asked quizzically. The boy's laughed.
"It's your b-birthday Sally!" Toby reminded her. Sally's eyes widened.
"Oh! I forgot!" She squealed. Ben pulled a gift from behind his back.
"Happy Birthday Sally!" He cheered shyly. Sally took the present in her small hands and tore open the wrapping. Her eyes widened in happiness.
"It's f-from all of us," Toby explained, "Jason m-made it though."
It was a beautiful white teddy bear, fluffy and full of soft stuffing. There was a little pink ribbon around its neck, tied in a little bow. There was a heart stitched onto its foot, with a little operator symbol on the other. It's eyes were bright blue, made of clear glass. Sally felt a tear drip down her cheek.
"It's perfect!" She squealed. "Thank you!"
She threw herself at Toby and Ben, wrapping her arms around their necks. The boy's laughed and pulled Sally out to breakfast. Sally gasped as she saw the streamers and banners and balloons that surrounded the dining table. The table itself was filled with party food; breakfasts fit for royalty and lots of little pink cupcakes and sugar cookies and all sorts of sweets. Laughing Jack had obviously helped out as well, as there were plenty of candies and candy floss and all sorts of sugary foods. Sally was amazed, and everyone cheered and sung as she walked in. It was one of the happiest moments in her life.
After the food, Slenderman himself brought out the enormous birthday cake. It was 3 layers high, bright pink, and decorated with a gold tiara on the top, and lots of bows and flowers all around it. Sally took a huge breath and blew out all 9 candles in one go. Everybody cheered, and Toby lifted Sally up onto his shoulders as everyone sung and danced all day and well into the night. Sally managed to capture lots of photos with her new camera, and printed them out to stock on her wall next to her bed. She lay there, cuddling her new teddy, and thought about how many changes had already occurred. Charlie was gone. Sally wasn't sure if she was sad about that or not. But now she had a new teddy, and everyone wanted to play with her, she was never left alone during the Creepypastas hunting nights anymore. Life was finally beginning to look up.
And Sally was definitely looking forward to this year.
This year was going to be fun.


Thank you to everybody who read this story! 147 reads and 7 votes already! Thanks so much people!!! I know this is a really short story compared to my previous ones, but I am planning on writing a new Creepypasta story, possibly about Zero, who is my favourite female Creepypasta. That story will not be published for a while though, because I am in the middle of writing three other stories, all about completely different things. But it will probably have the first chapter published within the next couple of months.
So thanks again to all the amazing people who have read and/or voted on this story!

As a new idea of mine, if you have any requests for other Creepypasta stories, please let me know through the comments! I can do ships or no ships, gory or romance, scary or happy, anything you want. My only restrictions are NO smut/lemons. So any requests, please comment, and I will choose my favourite idea(s), and I will tag your name in the description of the story.
Thanks again!

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