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Sally sat cross-legged on her bedroom floor, playing with Charlie.
"Charlie, what would you like to do today?" She asked. She was quiet for a moment as she listened. Then she frowned.
"No Charlie! You know what happened last time we played with knives!"
Masky, who was back from the mission early, poked his head around the door just in time to hear that last part.
"Sally? What are you doing?" He asked, a small crease forming between his brows beneath his white mask. Sally scooped up Charlie and hid him behind her back.
"N-nothing Masky!" She said innocently. Masky walked over to Sally.
"Sally, can I have a look at Mr Charlie?" He asked sweetly. Sally furrowed her brow in thought.
"Hmm, he doesn't normally like other people touching him..." she said. Masky tilted his head.
"Please? I promise I won't hurt him," he tried. Sally bit her lip.
"Okay, but be careful!" She said worriedly. Masky took the bear in both hands as the young girl held it out carefully.
"Be nice Charlie!" Sally said in a cautious tone. Masky looked at her, thankful that his mask hid his expression. He turned the bear over and over in his hands, bringing it up to his face to peer into its beady glass eyes. He thought for a moment.
"Hey Sally," he asked. Sally looked at him with bright green eyes.
"Do you think we could take Charlie to see Jason? I think Charlie is a little bit sick!" Sally clapped her small hands over her mouth, her wide eyes filling with tears.
"Oh no!" She cried, "poor Charlie! Is he okay?"
Masky hurried to calm the crying girl.
"Yes yes, he's okay, I just think Jason needs to give him a little check up, that's all!"
Sally let out a breath of relief and took Charlie back into her arms, reaching up to hold Maskys hand. She didn't want Charlie to be sick.

Masky knocked once on the little blue door in the cellar tunnels. There was a moment of silence, then came the sweet melody of a music box. The blue door swung open on its hinges. Sally sniffed as Masky pulled her through, into the enveloping darkness. The door swung shut behind them.

Sally and Masky waited in the dark. Slowly, Sally noticed dull lights flickering to life around the edges of the room. They were beautifully made wax statues, with little yellow bulbs inside them to make it look like they were glowing from the inside. The lights began to shine brighter and brighter, until Sally no longer had to squint to see. They were in the workshop of Jason The Toymaker. And there was the creature himself. Jason stood, wearing his signature black vested tailcoat with feathery shoulders, over a red velvet waistcoat. His high pirate-style boots were shiny and polished. His bright burgundy hair fell across his amber eyes. He grinned, showing sharp teeth.
"Sally, my dear!" He called, sweeping the little girl up into a tight embrace.
"How lovely to see you! And Masky of coarse! Good to see you my friend!"
Masky gestured to the Toymaker.
"Sally is here because Charlie needs a check up," he said, a dark tone laced through his voice. Jason's eyes gleamed as he nodded seriously. He placed Sally down on the ground and she allowed him to take the teddy.
"Sally, why don't you go and play with Mr Bunny and Mr Glutton?" He asked, gesturing to the small toy bunny and enormous toy snake at his side. He placed a hand on Sally's shoulder and a small electronic black mouse ran down it into her hair.
"Liquorice will make sure you don't get into mischief," the Toymaker said with a wink. Sally nodded and ran off to play. Jason looked at Masky quizzically. Masky sighed, making sure Sally was out of earshot and distracted by the magical toys.
"I think something is wrong with Charlie," he said cautiously, in a low, quiet voice. Jason raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" He asked. Masky reached up and ran a hand through his hair.
"Sally talks to it as if it's alive, and it doesn't sound like nice, normal child conversations. It's about stealing blades and murderous things. Things that Sally doesn't normally talk about."
Jason frowned.
"Is it possible there could be some sort of spirit attached?" He pondered. Masky shook his head.
"I haven't heard of anyone or anything that it could be from her files," he replied. Jason thought for a moment.
"Give me half an hour. I'll see what I can do..."

Masky sat with Sally as she giggled and played with the magical toys. After a while, Jason walked over, holding Charlie in the crook of his arm. The bear had a small smiley face sticker on his chest.
"Here you go Sally! He's all fixed!" Jason said, a wide smile on his face, however his eyes looked troubled. Sally didn't notice, and grinned as she grabbed Charlie and cuddled him to her chest. She took Maskys hand.
"C'mon Masky!" She nagged. "Lets go and take Charlie to bed!" Masky smiled grimly and nodded to Jason, who mirrored the gesture. The young girl didn't notice the tense exchange. Sally waved to the Toymaker, and he forced a grin onto his face and wiggled his fingers after Sally.

When Sally and Masky reached Sally's bedroom, the young girl ran into the pretty pink room, and tucked Charlie into bed. Masky shook his head at the sight, and walked downstairs to find Slenderman...

Dearest Friend... (Creepypasta Sally Williams)Where stories live. Discover now