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Liam Payne’s POV

                My eyelids fill like bricks, and I have a killer headache. I slightly turn my body to the side, and then my heart stops, because I feel another body next to mine. I don’t remember Sophia coming over last night—in fact, I don’t remember me coming home last night. I slowly open my eyes; I am in an unfamiliar room. I shoot up out of the bed and see that I am in a hotel room. Right now my heart is beating faster than a racecar; I slowly look to my right side and see a body. I begin praying that I called Sophia over to this hotel room. I carefully move the blanket off of the body. I see an attractive, petite girl with dark red, short hair. My heart literally stopped when I saw that she was only dressed in her bra and underwear. I scanned the room, and see my clothes tossed messily in a corner, along with hers. She slowly gets up, and it’s obvious that she has sex hair.

                “No, no this can’t be happening.” I saw as I hold the ends of my hair and tears fill my eyes. The girl’s eyes widen and her jaw drops, but she stays quiet.

                “This—this didn’t happen, it couldn’t have. I have a girlfriend.” I say angrily to the girl, who is still staying quiet.

                So many thoughts run through my mind. How am I going to explain this to Sophia? How am I going to explain this to the boys? Better yet, if any pictures got out, how am I going to explain this to the press? Management is going to be furious for my poor judgment.

                “Shit, how could I have been so damn stupid? I literally just threw everything away. I threw this away because of some whore I met at a club.” I say as I clench my fist. The fact that this girl is so quiet and calm is making me even angrier.

                “How can you be calm at a time like this? I bet you are enjoying this right now, huh? I bet you can’t wait to tell all your friends that you had sex with Liam Payne from One Direction. God, I can’t stand girls like you. You see my drunken stupidity and take advantage of that! Just to say you slept with a celebrity!” I yell at her.

                “I—I didn’t mean to take advantage of you…” She says quietly. I groan loudly, “Don’t play that crap with me…” I spat at her.

                “I’m being honest—this isn’t what I wanted.” She says sadly as she doesn’t even look my way.

                “I bet you this is what you wanted…” I say to her, but I am soon cut off by the girl, “You think this is what I wanted?! You think I wanted this? For your information Mr. Biggest Boy Band in the World, I don’t want to be known as the random girl that Liam Payne picked up from the club, I don’t want to be known as the whore who broke up Sophiam…” She says starts yelling.

                “So you’re just thinking of yourself?! What about me?! Do you know what is going to happen?!” I scream at her.

                “Do you really think I wanted my first time to be with an arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, rude, unsympathetic celebrity, who thinks I ruined his life? What about my life? How am I going to explain this to my boyfriend, my parents?” She says in tears.


                “I’m eighteen, and I’m still living with my parents—but when they hear this, they’re going to kick me out. They’re going to be so disappointed in me, if it was with my boyfriend, they’d understand. But it’s not, they’re going feel so disgraced…what have I done?” She says now sobbing.

               What the fuck have I done?

               I thought girls like this were heartless, and didn’t care what people would think of them, but it obvious that this isn’t the case.

                “Please don’t cry love…” I say trying to console her, but she just moves away.

                “After a couple of weeks, you’ll be in the clear—but me? I’ll have to live with this forever. I’m going to have nothing, after I tell my parents and boyfriend the truth. You’re right…I’m just a whore.” She continues to say in tears.

                “No, it’s not true—I should have never said that. I was just angry; I always get upset when guys degrade females by calling them vile names. Which I just did…” I say.

                “I’m sorry, I am so sorry. I—I didn’t mean for this to happen, honest…” She says as she puts her face in her hands, and continues to cry.

                “It isn’t just your fault—it’s mine too. And I should be the one who is sorry. I’ve said some really mean and hurtful things to you. You didn’t take advantage of me—in fact, it seems like I was the one who took advantage of you.” I say to her.

                “I bet you imagined your first time with someone you really love, and I took that away from you. I’m sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to hurt you or your feelings. I hope you can forgive me, I was just thinking of myself, I didn’t think how hard it will be for you. I am so sorry.” I say sincerely to her.

                “I’m only doing this for your sake, please delete all your social media sites and stay away from them for a while, please—you seem like a sweet person, and I don’t want you to go through I will have to. I’m used to it, but I don’t think you can handle it.” I offer to her.

                “No, I should get everything that is coming my way, it is only fair. I know I’ll get hate for a long, long time, but I guess I have to pay the consequences.” She says to me. I shake my head, “I can’t let you do that for me. I’m begging you please. I know how the fans and media can be sometimes…” I say to her.

                “I—I don’t want you do go through this alone Liam…we are both at fault.” She says, and right then it is apparent that this girl is not selfish at all, any person at that moment would have done exactly what I’ve said and let me bear the consequences alone, but she’s willing to stick it through.

                “Can I see your phone?” I ask her. She raises her eyebrow, but she unlocks it and hands it to me. I then delete all of her social media accounts, than delete the app itself. I hand the phone back to her.

                “I’m doing it for you good; I want you to understand that.” I say to her. She smiles, “Thank you…what I said before, it wasn’t true—even though I’m just as much as fault as you are, you are willing to go through this alone.” She says.

                “If I had to lose my virginity to someone who isn’t my boyfriend—I guess I’m glad it was you, because even though you don’t know who I am, you are willing to protect me.” She says kindly.

                “It’s the least I can do for being a jerk to you.” I say to her. I hold out my hand, “By the way, I didn’t catch your name?”

                “My name is Elise.” She says shyly.

                “Well Elise, I know most people would think I’m ridiculous or stupid—but here is my number, you’re so young and if you need something after telling you parents or boyfriend, just call me. I’ll help you.” I say nicely to her.

                “Thanks Liam.” She says she then gets dressed, puts her heels in her bag, and pulls out sandals from her bag and ties her hair in a ponytail, before washing her face completely.

                “I guess I’ll get going, I’ll call a cab and leave out the back. Good Luck.” She says before leaving, without turning back.

                I got that out of the way, but how am I going to break this to Sophia?

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