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Liam’s POV

                I leave about half an hour after Elise leaves. I call for a cab and go straight to Sophia’s. So many thoughts run through my mind which causes tears to rush down my face like a Niagara Falls. Once the cab pulls in front of her house, I give the cab driver some money, a lot more than the ride cost.

                “Hey Buddy you gave me way more than half the ride cost.” The cab driver says. Liam shakes his head, “I know. I did something horrible last night, and I need to do something nice for someone.” I said before closing the door and knocking the door.

                Sophia smiles and hugs me tightly. I slowly wrap my arms around her waist. I guess she feels my tension because she pulls away and gasps, “Li, you’re crying? What’s wrong?” She asks worriedly.

                I shake my head and my voice breaks, “I’m so sorry Sophia, I’m so sorry…” I start saying.

                “Come in.” Sophia says as she pulls me in. I sit on the couch and she wipes my tears. I try to control my breathing, but I keep on sobbing harder.

                “Liam what’s going on?” Sophia asks. I shake my head again, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to. It didn’t mean anything to me. It was a mistake.” I say in tears.

                “Is it the paps again Liam? I don’t care what they say Liam, as long as I have you, then I’m okay.” Sophia smiles.

                “No…it’s not that Soph.” I say to her. She raises her eyebrow, “Then what is it Li?” She asks.

                “L—Last night, I went to the club. I—I just wanted to have fun. I promised that I’d only have two drinks, three tops. But that three turned into four, and the four turned into six. M—My judgment was impaired…” I say as my voice breaks

                “Don’t tell me you got in a car Liam!” Sophia says shocked. I sniffle and shake my head, “N—No, I—I didn’t.” I barely get out.

                “Oh okay, that’s good. Then what’s bugging you baby?” She asks wiping my face.

                “A—at the club, I was dancing. The adrenaline and alcohol was filling up my veins and blood, and I couldn’t think straight. While I was dancing, there was this girl…and—and she almost fell over, but I caught her. I—I drank some more, and the next thing I realized, I was next to her in a bed…naked. I—I don’t know what to say, but I’m sorry Sophia. I…”  I say, but Sophia gets up and walks away.

                I go up to her, “Babe, please say something.” I say to her. She keeps her back toward me, I turn her around. My heart shatters, her face has tears running down them, her cheeks are rosy pink, and her bottom lip is trembling.

                I go on my knees and wrap my arms around her legs, “Baby please hear me, I am so sorry. It was the stupidest mistake I have ever made. Please, please I know it was stupid…” I cry out loudly.

                Sophia tries to pull off of me, “No, no. H—how could you do this to me? Am I not good enough, do you not love me? Let go of me Liam!” Sophia cries trying to push me off of her legs.

                “No, I want to show you how sorry I am! Just hear me out, I’m sorry. I’m so, so s—” I am cut off by a sharp pain on my face. I hold my cheek where Sophia had just slapped me. Tears keep on rolling down my face.

                “It wasn’t a mistake Liam. Cheating is never a mistake! You chose to sleep with that girl. It was a choice! You had a choice between your heart and your dick…and obviously you chose your dick!” She screams in my face.

                I open my mouth to speak, but she shakes her head, “Get out. Get out! Get out! GET OUT!!” She screams.

                I shake my head and leave as I was told. The boys are staying at our shared flat this weekend so I quietly call a cab and drive out to it.

                I feel my phone vibrate.

                @SophiaSmith: Finally unlocking my twitter for you loves ♥ J

                @SophiaSmith: What is love…?

                @SophiaSmith: You didn’t make a mistake, you made a choice. And your choice spoke loud and clear. As you once said, I’m #done

                Shoot. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. Why is she doing this right away? I’m definitely going to get a call for this telling me off, and a bunch of journalist are going to assume and write a shit load of articles. But at the end of the day, I deserve it all. I cheated. But it was a mistake, I love Sophia so much and I wouldn’t think for a second on cheating on her when I’m sober.

                Once I get to the flat, I hear laughter that once filled my heart up with joy. Today, it’s just filling it up with more sorrow. I unlock the door and walk in.

                “Aye, Liam, mate, you look a mess, what’s wrong?” Louis asks. I flop on the couch and don’t say a word. Niall raises his eyebrows, “Was it the stupid paps or journos again? Don’t listen to them Liam, you know they’ll go to any extent to make money.” Niall says as he rubs my back.

                I just shake my head slowly letting him know, that wasn’t the reason of my sadness. Zayn sits next to me, “Is it Sophia?” He asks. I look up at him and just nod, more tears rush down my face.

                “What happened, Liam?” Harry asks, handing me a tissue. I reject it and wipe my tears with the back of my hand.

                “I—I made the biggest mistake, no—I made the stupidest choice of my entire life. And I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry.” I say as tears roll down my face.

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Hiya, haven’t updated this in a while, hope you like the update <3

Also I’m writing another Jiam (AU) if you want me to post the first chapter of it, just comment.

Hmmm, I’ll update this if I get:

4 comments and 10 votes? This is kind of a side job, so I won’t be updating as much, so setting goals will help make me update faster :) x

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