Chapter 6

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          "Make sure you don't strain yourself too much, or your scratches might open up again," meowed Mistfeather.

          "I know. Can I go outside now, please?" mewed Ebony, bouncing excitedly.

          Mistfeather sighed. "Go ahead."

          "Yay!" squeaked Ebony, dashing out of the den.

          "What did I just tell you?" called Mistfeather trotting out of the den behind her. "I'm glad I'm never having kits," she muttered to Stormstar as they passed her.

          Ebony took a deep breath of frosty air. The camp was huge. She could see dens around the edges of camp where the clan cats, she knew, were to sleep. The earth below her was covered in a thin blanket of snow, as well as the pine trees that she could see around the camp. She puffed out her thick, black, fur against the cold.

          "Ebony!" chirped a voice from behind her.

           She turned around to see Somberpaw trotting over to her, Ghostpaw as well.

          "Hey," said Ghostpaw.

          "Come on, come on, I'll show you around the camp!" meowed Somberpaw.

          "Okay," replied Ebony with a tiny chuckle. 

          Somberpaw reminds me of someone...but I can't remember who.

          Somberpaw led Ebony to a den made of brambles and pine tree branches, then padded inside.

          "That's probably not a good idea, Somberpaw," meowed Ghostpaw flatly, startling Ebony. She hadn't realized Ghostpaw had followed them.

          Somberpaw shrugged and beckoned Ebony over with his tail. Ebony glanced at Ghostpaw, then padded in the den after Somberpaw, followed by Ghostpaw.

          "This is the elders' den. This is where warriors come if they are too old to be a warrior anymore," said Somberpaw.

          "What do you want?" grumbled a voice from the darkness.

          Ebony looked around. In the back of the den, there was an old, gray, tom. He had amber eyes and piercing black stripes.

           "We're showing Ebony around camp," meowed Somberpaw. "Sorry if we woke you up."

          "Well go show her someone else's den!" spat the elder crossly.

          "We'll show her wherever we want, you old geezer," hissed Ghostpaw.

          Ebony stared at Ghostpaw. It was very rude to talk back to an elder. Everyone was supposed to respect them alot. That's what Somberpaw had said. To her surprise, the old tom started laughing.

          "You'll make a good warrior one day, Ghostpaw," said the elder with a tiwtch of his whiskers and a toothy grin. "Carry on with your tour."

           Ghostpaw dipped her head and walked out of the den, flicking her tail to signal Somberpaw and Ebony to follow her.

           Ebony looked at Somberpaw, who also looked a bit surprised, then trotted after Ghostpaw.

           Ghostpaw flicked her long, black, tail towards another den. "Over there is the nursery, but we aren't allowed to go in there right now. That's where kits and queens-"

          "Ooh, there's the warriors' den, let's go there!" interrupted Somberpaw, earning a cold glare from Ghostpaw.

          The three young cats bounded over to and into the warriors' den. Ebony looked around, but no one was inside.

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