Olivia POV

The last couple of weeks have been quite boring, me and Aimeè had been up to nothing other than work and a couple of parties, but tomorrow was my birthday and I was very anxious. I've never liked all of the attention to be on me so it was quite terrifying. My mother had always said it was pathetic feeling this way on my birthdays

It was 10:56pm and I was starting to get tired, so I said goodnight to Aimeè and got changed into my sleeping clothes, sinking under my covers. I felt my eyelids become heavy and I was asleep within minutes.

"Happy birthday" Aimeè shouted, shaking me awake and smiling uncontrollably. She sat on the end of my bed with a few wrapped up presents, it warmed my heart.

"Oh my thank you!" I said enthusiastically. She smiled and gave me a quick hug. "Here have these, it's just a little something" she smiled, passing over three smaller presents, one big present, and a really small present. I started to unwrap the first one, which was the smallest, and it was a white box with a brand on the top. I opened it cautiously, and a shining, beautiful necklace laid there, along with two really nice earnings. She knew I wasn't too "girly" so these were perfect for special occasions.

"These are so nice, thank you so much!" I smiled uncontrollably.

After opening my presets and seeing family, Aimeè had invited me out to a small restaurant. It was very posh, and I felt fitting wearing some new, smart clothes and the jewellery. We ordered our food and thirty minutes later, it arrived. I ordered a French plate, I wasn't sure what it was, but it had high recommendations.

We finished eating, and we returned home. I was exhausted, but I had had a good day, despite feeling a little anxious, but it wasn't as bad as I imagined.

We decided to have a movie night, and we had already watched The Breakfast Club, and now we are watching Disney movies. I checked my phone and it wasn't very interesting. I had a few notifications on Twitter, saying @bastilledan had retweeted and posted about someone. Of course I was going to have a look.

As I looked, I saw he was sharing a beautiful girls photos, the same as last time, he seemed to be shouting her out. I was jealous to say the least, but I shouldn't.


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