Lawlight Oneshot: Tennis?

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A/N: Reupload from the Death Note book on my old account. The only thing I did was edit it a tiny bit, besides that it was just copy and paste from my notes app. Enjoy! 😄

Lawlight Oneshot (Lime): Tennis?

Warning: Lime #SorryNotSorry Don't like, don't read.

"Hey Ryuzaki?" said Light, turing to look at the Raven haired Detective.

"Yes Light-kun?" asked L not even looking away from his computer screen.

"How come you never go outside?" he asked.

"No time," responeded L in his same monotone voice.

"You have time now, why don't we go to the park?" the chestnut eyed brunette asked.

"And what would we do at said park, Light-kun?"

"We'd play tennis, of course."

"And why should I? What would I get if I win this Tennis Match?" the Raven haired Detective asked turning in his chair to face the before mentioned teen.

"I'll buy you a strawberry cake~" offerened Light.

"Deal," said L, and before Light knew it L was up, had shoes on (A/N: OMG! *o* L actually has shoes on!), and was at the door ready to go.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"R-really? That's it?" asked Light a bit suprised.

"What do you mean that's it? Cake is cake Light-kun," responded L.

"I guess that's true," said Light puting on a light jacket and walking out the door with L.

~At the park~

They arrived at the park less then half an hour later. Light walked onto the cort now in a Tennis outfit consisting of a white and blue Tshirt, black short, and tennis shoes. L followed him still in his usual White shirt and jeans.

"Ready to play tennis?" asked Light getting ready to serve the ball.

L walked to the opposite side of the Court with his own racket, "Ready."

"Then let's play a best 2 out of 3 sets (a set is six games), and may the best player win," said Light walking to the back of the court.

"Oh I plan to Light-kun," said L with a slight smirk.

Light chuckled and served the ball, it bounced into the service box diagonally opposite. The serve was good and L hit the it back, Light backhanded it perfectly.

He's good, thought L hitting the ball back.

~timeskip sort of thing because I would not want to write, and you would not want to read, a full hour and a half match~

They played back and forth, each scoring a point here and there. After about and an hour and a half they finished their game.

It was close but the finishing score ended up being 2-1, with Light as the Victor.

"Good game Light, congrats," said L walking over with a towl around his neck and a water bottle in his hand. "I was really looking forward to some cake though," he said with a slight sadness in his voice.

"We might still get some on the way home. But now that you mention it..what's my prize Ryuzaki-kun~?" asked Light in a flirtatious voice than made L shiver.

"What? Does Light-kun not want any cake?" asked L in a seemingly innocent voice.

"Nope," answered Light shaking his head no.

L pretended to look as if he was thinking, though he already knew what prize Light would want.

"How about a pie?" L asked continuing to act unknowing.

"Mmm.. Na-uh," said Light shaking his head once again.

L pouted his lips playfully and if trying to figure out what light could possibly want.

"Oh, well... How about Ice cream? Light-kun has to want Ice cream!" he said enthusiastically.

"Nah," replied Light once again denying L's attempt at finding a adequate prize.

L put his finger up to his mouth as if seriously pondering the thought.

"Oh I know what Light-kun wants!" said L and lightly pecked Light on the lips.

"Oh come on, I think I deserve more than that, don't you, L?" whispered Light seductively in the Ravenette's ear, biting the outer shell of his lover's ear gently, before running his tongue over the delicate arch possesivly. L shivered, loving how possessive Light became every time they made love.

L felt Light pull away, before grabbing the Detective's chin and kissing him passionately, forcing  his way in and thoroughly plundering L's mouth with that incredible tongue of his.

There was no crevice of L's mouth that was not explored, not claimed, not taken by the dominate brunette. (A/N: Seme Light forever! XD)

Light pulled away from the kiss, chuckling at the small whine L made at the loss of contact.

L felt Light moved down to his neck, his tongue and teeth ravaging the side of L's neck.

Light found L's sweet spot and with just one bite L's overtaxed knees finally gave out and buckled. The athletic Light had no trouble catching him, and so now L was literally hanging in Light's arms, pressed fully against him.

L felt Light grind against him and he felt himself thrust his hips up into the feeling, blood rushing to his own growing arousal.

Suddenly Light let go of L and completely pulled away from the panting and moaning mess known as L.

L almost fell at the suddent retreat. "What the Hell light?! Why'd you stop!" moaned L whimpering.

Light chuckled at L's childish whining, "Because L," said Light huskily, walking back over to him, wrapping one arm around his waist and using the other hand to Palm L's growing erection, making L moan in the process. "Though I fully plan on accepting my prize and fucking you senseless," L shivered in anticipation at Light's vehement promise, "I refuse to do it on a public tennis court."

Light them proceeded to completely pull away from the immensely turned on Ravenette once again, and walk off the court, beckoning the Detective to follow him.

L bit his bottom lip in anticipation, tonight should be fun, he thought as he jogged to catch up to the brunette.

A/N: Tell me how you feel about Limes in the comments below, idk if I like them. 1038 words. Remember comments and votes are always appreciated.

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