Matt x Mello (angst): Baka!

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A/N: Reupload from the Death Note book on my old account. The only thing I did was edit it a tiny bit, besides that it was just copy and paste from my notes app. Enjoy! 😄

And yes. I do know the title is pretty cringy, but get over it. Yeah?

Matt x Mello (angst): Baka!

Warning: Short, sad and angsty. Matt's dead. Mello cries, I cried writing it.

~Mello's POV~

"Baka!" I screamed hitting the closest wall to me, making a dent in it.

"Aaauh! Fuck that hurt!" I yelled, doing that weird wave your hand around when you hurt it even though it doesn't help at all thing, before walking over and sitting on the couch in me and Matt's shared apartment—or well it used to be me and Matt's, now I guess it's just mine.

I grabbed a pillow and pulled it into my chest, bringing my legs up onto the couch and wrapping my arms around them and the pillow, sitting there. Thinking.

'Baka!' I thought again though I didn't say it out loud this time. 'He said he would be careful! H-he said... he said he wouldn't die. He said he had too much planned for us after we stopped Kira to die anytime soon... He fucking promised!' I felt my eyes begin to water.

'He promised me he wouldn't die. He said he wouldn't let himself... not when we had so much to look forward to together. A-and then I find him shot full of bullet holes... I told him he should of been more careful, to wear a bullet proof vest under that white one of his he loves, but he never listens.' I paused.

"Y-you always did like to play it on the wild side. Didn't you Matt?," I chocked out, trying to keep the tears from spilling over, because I knew as soon as they did it'd be over, I'd just end up a sobbing lump on the couch.

"You never did care about your health. Heck, you began smoking as a child. But you always cared about me... Always there to help me up when I fell, to ask me if I was ok..." I continued, whether I was actually talking to him or just thinking out loud, I don't know.

'And now you're not... You went and died on me,' I thought—not wanting to say it out loud—because then I would be admitting it was true. True that he'd died, and I'm just not sure I can handle that.

"Dammit Matt!!," I yelled hitting the couch. "I'm about to cry and you're not even here to comfort me.."

I curled back up into a ball, leaning into the couch like I would his chest if he was here. "Not here to hold me like you always would.." a tear rolled down my cheek and I felt myself breaking.

I played with and twisted the ring on my left hand ring finger. If this ring Matt gave me weren't one of the only things I have left of him, I might have sold it—after all at this point what worth does it have besides monetary? I could probably get a pretty good price on it considering the diamond.

'Oh who am I kidding? I'm not gonna sell it. How could I?' Sure it reminded me of Matt and how happy his face looked when I first wore it out in public, but although the image hurts me now and probably forever will.. I'm not sure that's an image I want to forget.

"You said you loved me Matt. You promised we'd get married after this was over. So why'd you have to go and leave me before we could?" I mumbled this softly into the pillow in my arms, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

644 words. Remember comments and votes are always appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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