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Here you go KayleeDuschka
Josh woke up to Ashley violently shaking him and sobbing. "Woah what's wrong Ash?" "Tyler's not waking up a-and he's really cold and holy shit he's not breathing!" Josh immediately sprang up and ran towards Tyler's room with Ash close behind. Josh started on the balloon pump, and instructed Ashley to start cpr. "One flat hand and one fist and count to thirty until i tell you to stop.
Ash's POV (litty) just a change so you won't get bored.
I woke up wrapped around Tyler. But my heart dropped from how cold he was. I checked his pulse and there was none. I ran as fast as I could to Josh's room, running into some pg14 action. Once I found his room, I shook him as hard as I could. "Woah what's wrong ash?" "Tyler's not waking up a-and he's really cold and holy shit he's not breathing!" Josh ran to Tyler's room and I soon caught up to him. Josh started Tyler on a balloon thing and instructed me to start cpr. Once we got a pulse I stepped back from Tyler and collapsed.
Josh's POV
Once we got a pulse from Tyler Ashley  back away and her face went super pale. I knew exactly what was happening. It wasn't that long before I caught Ash in my arms and laid her on the ground and put an oxygen mask on her. While I was doing this Tyler started screaming and thrashing around. I tried to get him to calm down but instead I got punched in the nose. (This is the story of how Josh's nose is fucked up. I still like it though) Ash regained conciseness and saw josh bending over blood dripping from his nose. She then saw Tyler thrashing . She jumped on top of him, held his arms down and practically slapped the shit out of him. Surprisingly this woke him out of his episode but left him sobbing. "I'm so sorry uncle Tyler!" She engulfed him in her arms. "I-it's ok a-Ash." "You punched the shit outta uncle Josh." "Shit, I'm sorry joshie." Josh finished cleaning the blood from his face. "It's all Gucci." Ashley helped ty sit up and eat something while she fixed Josh's nose. "Uncle josh come with me." She lead him to plastics and stitched his nose. After she finished josh examined the stitches. "Holy shit these are amazing. Your better than a professional. Hey James come here!" A tall muscular man walked in. "Look at these stitches." "My gosh they're perfect. Who did these?" "My niece, Ash." James turned to the red girl standing behind them. "You've got to be kidding me." "A twelve year old did better stitches than you!" There shenanigans were interrupted by 3 tiny children waddling in. "Carmen!" "Asly!" Ash bent down and picked up the rosy cheeked baby and spun her. This caused the room too erupt in giggles. During this interaction josh had broken down into tears. Josh put down the child and went over to Josh. "Holy shit uncle josh, deep breathes. Do it with me. In out, in out. Good." "Oh my god they're so grown, I've missed my children growing up!" "Hey it's ok josh, they aren't going to college yet!" "Yeah you're right." "Hey we should take them to Tyler." "Yay daddies!" Ash picked up carmen while josh picked up Jackson . "Wait I have three children where's jordan!" "Oh, daddy here." Carmen handed him a note reading
"Dearest Joshua,
Haven't seen your children for a while now right? What a shame, mhm.
You had three right? Carmen, Jordan and Jackson. Oh but Me oh my golly where on earth is Jordan? Don't get your undies in a twist I have them, and if you want him back. You know what I want.
And if you don't, then you're screwed.
Have a nice day Joshua!
-- your worst enemy"
Josh once again broke down, but put on a smile and picked up his children. "Lets go see daddy shall we?" Both kids nodded excitedly. Ash slowly picks up the note and reads it slowly. She softly gasps causing josh to turn around. "Josh I-I know who has Jordan." Josh set the children down and went closer to ash. "Who, and what do they want?" "I-it's my m-mom, and she wants t-Tyler. "What, why?" "She always hated that you had a relationship with Tyler and when she found out you had babies, she knew I was close to you. So she kept me locked up and tortured me so I could be sent to the hospital you work at. But that backfired when she had to go to jail for child abuse. (for some reason I wrote josh abuse, I need sleep) josh wrapped ash in a tight hug and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry you went through that." "It's ok uncle josh, I'm with y'all now." "Yep, lets go see Tyler."
Josh lead all the children too Tyler's room, holding Carmen and Jackson. Ash slowly opened the door and saw Tyler laying on his side. Carmen wiggled out of Josh's grasp and went over to Tyler. "Daddy?" "Baby he's uh sleeping right now." "Can we wake him up." "No daddy needs his sleep J." "Can we lay with him?" "Yeah." Carmen and Jackson climbed into bed with Tyler. Josh sat in a chair next to Tyler's bed and ash sat in his lap. "So uh your mom dropped off the kids. And Jordan was kidnapped. As josh said this Tyler's mouth went into a growl. Josh raised an eyebrow at this. He took the kids off the bed and stood up and carried Ash over to Tyler and snapped in his face. This caused Tyler to flinch slightly. Josh knew Tyler had fast reflexes. So he went to slap Tyler expecting him to grab his wrist, which he did. "Tyler?" "Yes?" "Do you know where you are."
"Not really I can't see." "Well open your eyes." Carmen and Jordan sat up and stared at Tyler. Tyler slowly opened his eyes and looked around. "Why am I in the hospital?" "Uh, I don't know yet, but I have my best doctors working on it right now." "Uh, ok." " what do you remember?" "Not much." "Ok tell me your name, where you are from, spouse, birthday and if you have any children." Carmen hid the children out of site. "Um my name is Tyler Robert Dun , Ohio, Joshua Dun, December uh, first, I have 3 children." "Well now you have 4." "Are you pregnant?" "Nope, ash is our new daughter!" "Really? Yay!" Ash gave a hug and a kiss to Tyler. " I love you ash, so much." "I love you too dad." The whole room bursted into laughter. Then there was a light knock on the door. "Come in." In came sarah urie. "Hey sarah, what's up?" "C-can I talk t-to in the hallway?" "Of course. I'll be right back guys." Josh lead sarah to the hallway. "I'm sorry but Brendon is dead." She collapsed against josh who was just in shock. "Oh my god sarah I'm so sorry. How did he do it?" "Wh-what?" "I knew he would kill himself one day. How'd he do it?" "H-he overdosed." Josh pulled sarah close to him. "Listen I want you to go to this address, and tell him josh sent you ok?" "O-ok. Thanks josh." "Of course sarah. Stay safe please. I love you."(no hetero tho) "thank you so much, I love you to." Josh made sure sarah got to her car safely then proceeded back to Tyler's room. Hey josh, what was that about?" Josh whispered into Tyler's ear. "Brendon overdosed." "Oh my god, that's terrible. How's sarah?" "I sent her to one of my friends house." "Oh, good." "Yeah, you ready to walk?" "Do I have to?" "If you want to go home." "Ughh." "Come on, ash and I will help you." "Fine." Josh helped Tyler out the bed and into the hallway. Tyler had his arm around josh and was holding ash's hand with the other. "We're gonna start physical therapy later today also." "I'll be there with you dad, so will Jackson and Carmen." "Is that allowed?" "When your husband works at this hospital yeah. They'll be helping you too." "What will I be lifting them like weights." "Exactly like that." "Oh boy. Where are they anyway?" "In the hospitals daycare." "Oh ok good." "Yeah, you ready to walk to therapy?" "Yeah, sure." "Great." The three made their way to the physical therapy room, where Tyler did hours of therapy. "I feel like I'm about to collapse." He fell over into ash's arms, who caught him and sat him in her lap. "Josh get me a wet clothe. josh got a wet paper towel and handed it to ash who laid it on Tyler's forehead. "Tyler? Can you hear me?" Nothing happened. "Tyler I know you're faking. Now get up so we can go home." Tyler still did nothing. Ash  got up and carried him back to the room. Of course with the help of josh. Once they were back in the room josh finished packing their bags and checking to see if they had everything. "You ready to go?" "Uh, y-yeah. I just have to go get mason." "Ok I'll be here waiting with Tyler." "K." When ash came back with a sleeping mason they loaded up Josh's car and drove home. Once josh pulled up to the house everyone was knocked out. Josh decided to take all the bags inside and put Ashley's stuff in her new room. Then he carried all the small children to their rooms and tucked them in. Mason got his own room since they thought they were having quads but one didn't make it(tears up). Lastly he brought Tyler and ash in and put Tyler in their room and ash on the couch since her room wasn't ready yet.
I'm gonna finish this on another page, it's too long to keep going and I know you don't want to read a lot on a page... also sorry for the year delay... luv y'all

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