Nine: CERBERUS: The Cursed

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"Loki where the he'll are we?"

We stood at top of some stairs looking down into what looked like a pit, a huge pit where a lot of weird creatures we're. Some we're dancing while other ones talked and one sat on a throne-like thing over looking it all.

Loki looked down at me and took my hand in his "Just stick by me, okay?" He whispered, I nodded and walked with him down into the pit thing. I held his hand tightly as I walked closely to him and down into the pit.

We walked to a corner and I blended into he shadows taking him with me, for others it kind of hurts when I blend them inti the shadows with me. But, it doesn't hurt Loki it just scares him.

"Sab, what the-"

I sighed "Sorry, I just got scared you Highness" I said, he smiled and ran a hand down my hair "It's fine. Why don't you stay in you're Shadows while I go talk to Cerberus?"


He sighed "Just stay here, if you need to use Monacre" he said and surprised me by kissing my forhead then leaving my shadows. I felt my forehead as if trying to wipe away the feeling of his lips being there.

I crossed my arms as in watxhe him cross the room to the man on the chair, I make a face and sigh.


I turned to look at my left and see a woman, I place my hand almost protective-like on my sword "Who?"

She shook her head "I'm sorry, you look just like a old friend.. Tell me sweet what is your name?" She asked.

I hesitated "Sabella."

Her eyes widened "Sabella Astra? I knew you when you were a child" she said as she came over to me, she smiled. "There are special ones like us that can control shadows.. Oh I'm Amara" she said and held out her hand.

I shook her hand and cocked my head to the side "You said you knew my parents?"

"Yes Daisy and Cole.. A human witch and a guard of Asgard" she said, I frowned "Oh don't from sweet, your mother was one of the finders of Shadow magic and your father helped out King Odin before you. But, I see now your with the youngest prince, aye?"

"Yes. But shadow magic-? "

She smiled "I can't explain now, I will find you layer on my dear, just keep your mind clear and your ears open" she said, and placed a hand on my cheek with a smile "Good luck, child."

With that she left me and I turned just in time to see the man Loki had been talking to had him lifted in the air by his neck, Loki looked down on him and I moved in the shadows so I could hear what was being said.

"-look Cerberus I just need the sword back" Loki said to the thing it shook him.

"Odin cursed me, now why would byou want to return something back to him after everything he has done to?"

Loki grunted "I'm the king of Asgard and I need that sword back in the palace" he said, the thing-Cerberus- dropped him to the ground and walked off just a bit.

"You expect me to return sometjhif to you so you can use it against me?" Cerbuerus laughed and picked up a sword "I'm sorry, my king but I can't risk that" he said.

As he went forward to plunge his sword into Loki's chest, I dove forward and blocked his sword with my own. I begun to sword fight a man/beast as Loki sat there in shock.

I blocked and sliced qwnd dodged and kept doing it over and over. I kicked at him and he felt over backwards I shook hair from my face as I watched guards come from every direction I looked at Loki "Grab the sword" he said, grabbing his own beginning to fight.

I looked at the sword across the chair and ran to it, Cerberus ran towards m as I did and I grabbed the sword before him as he raged towards me I climbed the wall with my feet and jumped off of it landing behind him.

I kicked at Cerberus' back and he landed face first I ran to Loki with Monacre in my hand and the Spellbreaker Sword in my other, he grabbed the Spellbreaker Sword and we ran up the stairs to the main door as it started to close Loki made it through.

I barley made it through, even with the little jump I had to do. The door closed behind us and I rested on the ground looking up at the stars.

I slowly breathe as I sat up and gfor up on my feet, he looked at me "Your okay?" He said, I nodded and he sighed as he came over and hugged me. I gulped as my arms hung at my sides, he pulled away and held me at arms length.

I put my sword at his neck "You ever make me do that again.. I swear to all Gods everywhere I will kill you. Royalty or not" I said, he smiled as we got up into he carriage and I collapsed into my side of it.

This is not what I had planned..

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