Twenty-Three: Dont Leave Me

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"Her heart isnt beating.. Loki use magic now" Eir said,i placed my hands over her wound and tried to heal but it wasnt healing,i beat my hands on the bed and tried again,i tried over and over,her heart failing.

"No. No come on darling, come on" I begged as Thor and the rest stood off to the side watching. I watched as Eir quit trying she stopped because she knew, but I didn't stop because I didn't want to know.

"Sabella" I said, as I cupped her cheeks in my hands, she just laid there lifeless. I hugged her to me, I knew I looked bad because her blood was all over my clothes, I held her to my chest as I leaned over the bed.

I clenched my fist and my bed went down with a crash, my whole room was wrecked as I sunk down in the floor and put my hands on my head, the door opened and closed I stayed in that position as Thor looked down at me.


I looked up at him as I tried to think "I'm not doing it Thor. I cannot bury her."

He looked down at me "She wouldn't want you to waste your freedom by sitting in here wrecking your room, brother."

"What good is freedom if she is not here to be with me?!" I shouted and a book flung itself across the room, I put a hand to my face and shook my head.

Thor stayed quiet before saying "Father wants your help preparing the funeral" then he left, as the door closed I cried silently.


I woke up to black smoke and shadows, I sat up and looked around seeing a figure sitting on a throne I stood up "Hello?"

"Sabella. I warned you about the warrior path" she said. I looked around and sighed "I guess I know what happens next" I whispered. She frowned and stood "My dear, maybe there is something I should tell you."

"Oh and what is that? That I should bow? Or maybe I should curtsey? You know what lady, I don't liioe what your buying I don't like it one bit."

That's when she strapped out of the shadows and showed her face, she gave a smile and I froze solid "Nice to see you again daughter of Daisy and Cole."

I just looked at her "Amara? But, how?"

She smioked as she walked down to me "I'm the Queen if the Shadowland. I can come and go as I please, as will you when yuiu take over here" she said, and I frowned as I looked at her.

"Until then.. Will I be able to see Loki?"

She sighed and looked up at the dark purple sky "Sabella, they think you dead. But, I have just put your life on hold.  I have spoken to the Shadow council, apparently you are too young to come here for now" she said.

She held out her hand and led me to a small garden where a black wooden bench and dark colored flowers we're, she crossed her legs and patted beside her, I sat down and I looked at her.

"You died. I can being you back to life if you wish, but do know my child that you would not look like yourself. You probably wouldn't even think like yourself. But, if it is what you wish I will give you back to Asgard you just have to say that you want it."

"What do you mean look different?"

She smiled "You see, Sabella, when every Shadow-woman or man is dead and brought back fonlife they change. Some choose whether it is for the better or the bad, your hair and simple things will change. Your heart may change, your fate may possibly change.

"But, they will still tell it's you" she said.

I thought of this I would change for the better or for the worse.. It couokdnt be that bad I mean, look at how I was before. Besides, I need to get back to Loki.

I looked at her then nodded "I want to be sent home. I need to be with Loki."

She sighed "If that is what you wish, Lady Sabella Astra."

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