Act two

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A/N- so this is quite an early update and it won't be a habit, but yeah i had free time and...tbh I don't know what to say so I guess... ACTION! Hope you enjoy! :D

Izaya POV
I feel sick...ugh...i feel so awful... around a minute ago Shinra passed the box which I was contained in to my impersonator. It's not turning out great. I feel so sick... I can feel him swinging the box around his knees and hear him drumming his fingers against the top. It's so loud. I feel disoriented and dizzy. I want to get out! I gave up trying to escape and now just curled up in the corner, begging for the torture to end. As if karma took pity on me, I feel the box be set down and the world begin to feel calm and still. I internally sigh in relief but the stress reemerges as I hear a familiar grunt. Guess we arrived at his house.
"The fuck is the flea doing at my house!?" He yells and I hear the sound of something solid being thrown at 'me'. Please Shizuo- hit 'me' full force and make him disappear! Sadly, I just hear a chuckle and my familiar mocking tone ring out
"Now now, Shizu-chan, don't be rash- we brought a present!" You dirty, rotten cocksucker....
"Huh, what is it?" I hear my dear Neanderthal growl, probably at Shinra as I don't imagine he would be so very very civil to me...
Sure enough I hear Shinra respond excitedly "a little kitty-cat!"
Then I feel myself my box be nudged 'gently' (not at all) by 'me' and I'm thrown to the other side of the cage. Ow... "well I dropped him off and I would just hate to impose on dear Shizuo here, so I'm gonna bounce!" I see my body skip off...without me...
"Damn flea..." Shizuo mutters and turns to Shinra "so what do you want?"
"Like he said, a cat?"
"Izaya found a cat and didn't want it, so I decided to give it to you. It's a stray" Shinra says and I hear a slight commotion before the monster himself looms into view, far too close for comfort.
"Huh. He's kinda cute..." Shizuo mumbles
"FUCK OFF! GO AWAY! TAKE ME BACK TO SHINRA!" I try to yell, but it just seems like an excited kitten. Fml. Then I see what I thought was impossible, Shizuo blushes and coos at me.
"Fucking adorable kitty"
"So you'll take him?"
A conflicted look passes across his face before he nods, "sure thing, it might be nice to have some company, y'know?"
"Awesome!" I see Shinra walk off and I feel the cage be lifted again, but this time a little more carefully. The door shuts behind us and hear it latch. I hope I'm not trapped...Please let me be able to escape. I don't think I can deal with that.
Shizuo opens the cage but before I can dart out he picks me up in his freakishly large hands and stares at me.
"Yep, you're a total cutie. Shame you smell of shit. That flea went and contaminated you, like the little disease he is," a scowl flashes across his face and I can't help but feel stung at his words. Wait, since when did I care what the monster thought of me? "Anyway sweetheart, I wasn't expecting this so il give you some of my sushi and get you proper food tomorrow? Sound good?" He uses another hand to stroke my fur and I can't help but let a purr escape my lips. He blushes again and I want to run away, right now. Then he puts me down softly on his sofa and walks to the kitchen. As soon as his back turns I dart to the windows and around the house, but sure enough his are all locked tight like mine. Guess we have more in common than I- wait, shut up brain, shut up. I shake my head violently as I rush to his bedroom and dart under the bed. I plan to hide from him until he opens the door and then make a break for it. What feels like hours later I hear the faint call
"Kitty? Hey, kitty? Where are you..?" Then the ungrateful stomps to the bedroom
"Where did you go? Are you in here?"
He walks around but doesn't see me
"Ah shit. Please kitty? Come out? I have sushi for you.."
I hold my breath and remain still. He will give in eventually and then I can leave. I can almost taste the freedom...
"Ah shit. Please don't leave me?" I hear him beginning to sound worried, panicked, maybe even scared for me? I hear him continue to call for me. Or probably worried about himself as Shinra (or most likely Celty) will kill him.
Then his voice cracks slightly "It gets so lonely here... I promise il treat you right..." huh he sounds really sad... "if you can hear me, please, I don't want to be alone anymore. Haha. Jesus Shizuo you're so pathetic, begging a cat for companionship." He laughs dryly and hear him clomp downstairs again. I sit still for a second with a weird pit in my stomach. What just happened? Then a thought hits me: If I'm stuck here anyway...I could gather information, find out about Shizuo, he doesn't know this 'cute kitty' is his mortal enemy... I tell myself that's the reason anyway, as I pad slowly slowly downstairs. I see the monster slouched on the couch with his head in his hands and a plate of sushi at his feet. Ew gross disgusting monster... just play the part. Just for a while. I walk over, making sure to brush firmly against his leg, resisting the urge to shiver with disgust, and begin eating the sushi.
"Hey, sweetheart!" Shizuo says, excitedly. I pretend to obliviously eat the sushi as he smiles at me. It's kinda weird: being so close to my mortal energy and neither of us fighting each other.
After I've finished eating, he picks me up and drops me into his lap. "Shall we watch TV, sweetheart?"

And so we stay like that, him petting me, involuntary purrs falling from my mouth, in front of the TV, into the depths of the evening.

A/N- aaaaand that's a wrap, yay! So just to let you know, I don't care that it's rushed and cliche, cause that's how I like it. I'd love to try and be realistic, but jeez, I want the cute to begin! Will try update soon. laters! :D

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