Act Three

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A/N- sorry this took a while, it's just ughhh effort *cries* anyways sorry! Go go go! (Also btw from now on it's just gonna all be Izaya's POV cause idk- he's the cat. Jeez. )

It's been a few days since my situation began and I've actually been having a great time. Don't get me wrong- I do hate spending time with the monster but I've got so much information! For example, last night, he got drunk and we set down in front of the TV as usual, but this time he started speaking in a serious tone to me.
"You know, I always thought I'd be doing this in the future..." he murmurs and I turn to face him, both hopeful and confused. "But...I'm not sure...I thought it would be my boyfriend or husband, not some cat the Flea gave me..." I let my little cat face smirk widely as I hear him tell me obliviously how lonely he is and what a cutesy romantic he is and how...fucking gay he is! It's great: who knew the heartless monster was a closet homosexual? It just didn't seem to fit him... not like I think gay people wear rainbow feather bowers and sparkles, talking about how gay they are but just...Shizuo? That was probably my biggest piece of significant intel so far but I have faith I will get more. Right now, Shizuo just left to 'kill the Flea' after he apparently could 'smell him'. What a weirdo. Even so I take advantage of the fact that I'm home alone, despite him still locking me in like a prisoner, to snoop through his stuff and find out more stuff. I have to admit it's much more fun this way- finding the info out firsthand.
Wandering around the house I come across the bedroom door, slightly ajar, and use my furry little face to nudge it open. My eyes scan across the mess before me with feline fast detail. Blech what a slob. Matching bartender clothes lay crumpled in heaps on the floor with discarded bottles of various alcohols and smashed beer cans. I feel too grossed out to touch anything so dart around each pile and finally jump onto his drawers. Now from a much higher vantage point I see the true chaos that is the Monster's room. I run my eyes across the room a couple of times until I see a creased scrap of white in the corner. Dropping down onto a clean patch I skip towards it and nudge it over.
Before me is the picture of our class in high school. Oh how sweet. Teenage Shizuo in a cast as usual, standing lazily with his friends, a scowl plastered on his face but his eyes are looking off to  something to the side and...the Monster looks kinda...sad...  huh? I don't remember the picture being taken or what happened and I wasn't visible in the picture so it must of been when I was off somewhere causing chaos.
I place the photo back and go back to snooping, but most things a shut tightly and I can't get it so eventually I give up and move out of his bedroom.
I make my way through the house but find nothing else so I just sit and wait for him to come home. He's taking forever and I'm hungry. I hate feeling so...dependant. It's so incongruous with my personality, the infamous info-broker sat timidly waiting for his enemy to come home and feed him. Ugh.  Why am I waiting so timidly? I could be wreaking havoc and annoying Shizuo just as much now I'm a cat... grinning I jump onto the sofa a run a sharp claw across the soft fabric, enjoying it tearing like paper under my tiny hand-knives. This is for all the things you did in school, monster. I jump onto the springy cushions and pierce it again, watching the white fluff ooze out. This is for everything else. I dig deeper and watch the insides trail out. This is for all the hits with vending machines.
I continue like this for a while until the sofa is wreaked, and his glassware is shattered on the kitchen tiles. I sit back and wait for him to come home. Anticipation brewing as I hope for some action, anything to break the mundane and boring cycle. I laugh to myself as I see the chaos I caused as I hear the door unlock...

A/N- to be honest- is a bit shit. But whatever I'm too tired to proof read etc. So yeah. Sorry for that, il try update it soon...

Also yeah idk who the picture is by but cute! So credit to them

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