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     Phil took Dan to his favorite spot just on the outskirts of the city. It was a nice grassy area that overlooked the dense city buildings from afar. It was perfect.

     Before showing Dan the view, he made him cover his eyes with his hands. He helped guide him to the perfect spot.

     "You twat, where are we? Can I open my eyes yet?" Dan asked, giggling a bit.

     "Not yet," Phil led Dan to the perfect spot with an amazing view, "Open your eyes, Dan."

     Now what Dan saw wasn't just any view. It was everything. It was so small from afar. Everything was contained in it's own little area of joy. It made everything else feel so small. Even so, it was as as if the lights and stars shone brighter than they ever did before. The lights were almost dancing, happy and content with what they were contributing. He wanted to be like that. He wanted to be bright.

     The amazing view made Dan so taken aback that he had to sit down. He rested on the soft green grass beneath him, and Phil sat directly beside him.

"This is incredible," Dan mused. He couldn't take his eyes off of it. It felt like if someone tried to break his eye contact with the lights, his whole world would come crashing down. He didn't want anyone to take away his lights.

     Another beep, but only from Phil's phone this time. Dan didn't even hear it. He was too entranced by the view. Phil read the new dare.

"KISS HIM. £500."

     "You guys, you know I can't do that! He'll hate me!" He whispered to the phone's camera. He knew they didn't care. People typed things like "Do it faggot" and "you know you have no choice" into the chat room in the margin. Phil looked at Dan, who was peaceful and serene, and then looked back at his phone. He didn't have much time to decide whether he was going to accept or decline. He couldn't lose this game. Not after what happened. But he couldn't upset Dan.


     Dan heard it. It broke him from his trance.

"Phil what did you accept?" Dan said with a slightly worried expression on his face. Without thinking, Phil leaned in and kissed Dan. It was different. It wasn't like the hungry, lustful kiss he gave him back on the tube. It was full of innocent passion, it was gentle and loving. But Dan knew. He caught on right away. The sound of cash being deposited into Phil's bank account was the straw that broke the camel's back. Dan broke away, a disgusted and hurt look on his face. Dan always thought he had a thing for guys, as he had thought he had always been bisexual. Something so vulgar about that kids made him question. What if I am just STRAIGHT?

"You just don't learn do you? You thought you could take me to a nice place, take me on a ride, and you could just win my heart like that? Well I have news for you, buddy, I don't swing that way, nor will I ever! You practically assaulted me! How many times do I have to get this in your head? Are you hard of hearing? I'm not gay and I will never love you!" Dan exploded. He felt like he meant it. Each time he told Phil that he didn't love him and that he wasn't gay, it almost became more real and real each time.

"No, Daniel, you don't understand, I was only trying to-"

"Don't you 'Daniel' me, Mr... Mr.... Phil? If that is even your real name!" Dan was hysterical. He was laughing because his only other option was to cry. He was so emotionally unstable, he didn't even know why he wanted to cry. He didn't even know why he was already so far from Phil. Had he already walked that far?

     He could hear Phil yelling for him to stop. He didn't care. He kept walking. Phil was frantically calling him now. And then it stopped. He couldn't hear him anymore. All he could hear was the sound of his running footsteps hitting the pavement. Why was he running, anyway? He didn't know HALF of what he was doing.

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