Chapter 8-Edited

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You woke to the sun in your face and an arm wrapped tightly around your midriff. Peeling Nico's arms off of you, you crawled out of bed and walked towards the door. Nico mumbled something in his sleep and shifted, making you tense and stop walking. Deciding that tiptoeing your way back to your room may be better, you opened the door and went to get dressed for the day.

The air around you was cold as you walked around outside. The iciness of the air curled at your fingers and danced with your breath. The scent of the cool morning air surrounded you and gave you a sense of freedom. Giddiness filled you and you took off running, allowing your laughter to fill the air as you chased the wind. It felt as if you were flying and the world was nothing but a ball of light beneath you. The sensation of pain dismissed the feeling of freedom and you shrieked in agony. Feathers sprouted from your body and your nose lengthened, revealing a beak of black. Your body shrunk and a tail fluttered behind you as feathers of white and black appeared before your eyes.

Falling to the ground, you watched as your body transformed into that of something you never would have thought. A light shone from the heavens and circled around you as if it were a halo. You felt your body tingle as you felt it was time to get up from the ground and try to figure out what was happening. A gentle voice filled the wind as it blew around you and called you by name. The heavenly sound reached your ears and you knew it was your mother's, reminding you of what you were sent to do.

A crunch of leaves sounded behind you as the light faded and you stared in shock at your new form. Looking up, you saw the son of Hades approach you and panicked. Worry filled your thoughts as you did the only thing you could think of at the moment.

"Hey, wait up!" Nico called out to you as you took off in a rush of feathers. You traveled back to the house before he could question you any further. Praying that you would change back, you landed and heard the unsettling crack of bones. Racing to the door, you pried it open and went to your room.

You heard a cough as you closed the door from behind and found Annabeth quirking her eyebrows at you. Shrugging your shoulders dejectedly, you sat down next to her. "What happened?" She sighed as she placed a finger in her book to mark the page she was on. Not saying anything, you hugged her tightly and began to cry. She tensed up, but hugged you reciprocated the hug and ran her fingers through your hair soothingly.

"I talked to mom," you replied to her quietly as she stroked your hair lovingly. Her fingers stopped and she looked down at you. She nodded her head, telling you to proceed. You sighed as you shifted your body to make your eye level equal with hers. "She told me that I had powers. I found out what they were when I ran outside," you continued as you looked around the room nervously.

Annabeth sucked in a breath and thought about her response. "What are they?" She asked as she looked into your e/c eyes. You looked away for awhile and looked back at her shyly, "I can shape shift and I can transport myself anywhere I want to." Annabeth nodded her head and hugged you.

"Does Nico know?" She asked after a while. You stiffened as you tried to think up what to say next. You looked away from your sister, hiding the embarrassment. The day's earlier events were playing in your head. "How?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes at you.

"He followed me. . . ."

She narrowed her eyes at you and watched as you began to fidget with the hem of your shirt nervously. "You've messed up pretty badly, Y/n." 

Nico di Angelo x Reader Part 1Where stories live. Discover now