Chapter 16-Edited

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"Di Angelo! Can you shadow travel us out of here?" you shouted as you tried to avoid the dark hand. The wind whipped your hair back and Sapphrenia was losing her fight against the oncoming storm. You heard Nico shout a 'no' before it was taken by the wind. Groaning, you jumped out of Sapphrenia's saddle and into the air. You urged yourself to transform into a large owl and swooped down to your friends.

Taking the top of Sapphrenia's saddle in between your talons and lifting your friends up into the sky, you thanked the gods for the strength they lended you as you dodged the groping hands of the darkness. Another arm emerged from the earth and you were now dodging and swooping, trying to stay out of its clutches. You went in for a dive when you felt a cold hand grasp you. The other held onto Sapphrenia, Nico, and Annabeth. With a strong throw, the hand hurled your friends towards the east and dragged you down into the building beneath. You transformed back into your human form as you felt your body plummet to what is to be your doom. . . .

"Ugh," you groaned as you tried to get up off the ground. Your arms shook weakly and you collapsed. You tried doing it again, looking as if you were doing the dreaded push up test and failing. When you finally got up, you dusted off the dirt on your clothing, checked for any injuries, and began taking in your surroundings. Hearing a hissing noise come from a tall, narrow tunnel that was located at you left ,you slowly walked towards the tunnel and took out your knife.

The only light you had was a small lantern you had found lit as you were walking down the tunnel. You followed the rocky trail for a while when it began to lead into twists and turns. After about an hour or so, it ended and faded into a large cavern that had torches lighting up the walls. Shadows danced on the cool surface of the smooth rock. You saw something hidden in the shadows in a far corner to the right. Curious, you edged towards it cautiously.

A rusty cage came into view. It's bars seemed to be weak, yet you knew better These were titanium bars. The rust wasn't rust, it was an illusion, formed by the goddess Hecate herself. Something moved inside of the cage, making you edge towards it slowly and peer into its bars. A gasp escaped your lips as you saw the goddess Athena herself, covered in filth and looking extremely pale. "Mom...."

Not even a second after you had uttered her name, the ground shook violently. You dodged a large piece of rick that had fallen from the ceiling. Breathing heavily, you ran into a dark corner and watched the very giant that had caused it all. "Where is she!" Porphyrion roared as he slammed his fist against the cage that contained Athena.

"My daughter, unlike you, is intelligent. She knows better than to come out into the open." she hinted as she shot a quick glance at you. Porphyrion roared once more, causing more rocks to fall from the ceiling.

"Insulting me will do you no good! Y/n will play right into my hands, and at her mother's own record! For the goddess of wisdom, you seem to lack the knowledge of humans. Your daughter is just a weak child that still needs her mommy to guide her," he taunted as he paced around the room expectantly.

"You will be surprised by what someone smaller than you can do, Porphyrion. Once Y/n has you in a state of vulnerability, it will be you that will regret your comment." Athena smirked as she tried to conceal the faint touch of fear in her voice with confidence.

"We'll see about that," he snarled as he paced some more.

Hours seemed to have passed by as you watched the giant before you pace up and down the cave room. Anxiously, you watched and waited for him to make a move. After waiting fifteen more minutes, the time came for battle. With a low grumble, the earth shook beneath you and the giant began to cackle. "Oh course!" He retorted in a monotone voice. "The girl has been here the whole time! I can hear her heartbeat in that little chest! Come out Y/n! Of are you too afraid to play with me?" he bellowed as he turned towards the corner you were hiding in. You slowly revealed yourself as he looked down at you with a triumphant smile on his face. He chuckled to himself as he bent down to make eye level with you. "Hello, little human," he said with an ugly yellow grin.

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