Chapter 9-Edited

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       Waking to the familiar smell of pancakes, you tossed the covers from your body and quickly ran towards the bedroom door. You rushed into the kitchen-not caring that you wore short shorts and a tank top to sleep the night before. A smile was plastered onto your face as the sight of blueberry pancakes came into view. Running over to the table and picking out two from the top of the pile, you didn't notice that Mary was trying to refrain from giggling at the sight of you. Piling them on your plate, you grabbed the peanut butter and began to spread it onto the pancakes. Grabbing the syrup bottle, you drowned them in it and scarfed them down.

Annabeth came into the kitchen and gave you a disgusted look. She rolled her eyes and looked from your drowning pancakes to you. "That's absolutely disgusting. How can you stand to eat that?" You shrugged as you chewed and shoved another piece of pancake in your mouth. Annabeth cringed and turned to the fridge for some orange juice.

Nico came in, lifting his arms in the air as he yawned. Eying the pancakes hungrily, he licked his lips and made eye contact with you. You saw his gaze flicker to your pancakes and saw him grimace. "Oh my gods! They're my pancakes! I can put as much syrup on them as I want!" you pouted as Mary turned around and tried not to laugh. After glaring at her, you turned to Annabeth who was taking a seat next to you.

"It's okay to put syrup on your pancakes, but to drown them in it? No thanks. Do you know how much sugar is in that?" Annabeth replied as she put butter on the top of hers. You rolled your eyes at her and went back to eating your pancakes.

Feeling someone's eyes on you, you turned to Nico and saw his reddening cheeks. "What's wrong with your face?" Annabeth slapped your arm and scolded you for being rude. Focusing on your cousin who was behind the stove, you noticed a small smirk on her face.

"So. . .Y/n, did you think about what you're wearing at the moment? I'm pretty sure Nico has," Mary commented as she flipped a pancake and placed it back on the pan. You scrunched up your nose in confusion and looked down. Feeling your face flush, you saw your pajamas from the night before. A red tank top clung to your frame and ended a light bit over your belly button. Black shorts stuck to your thighs and stopped a little less than half way up your leg.

Annabeth snorted at you and hid a grin behind her tanned hand. Your face warmed as you hurriedly finished the rest of your breakfast and placed your dishes in the sink. Running out of the kitchen to the safety of your room, you heard Annabeth laugh and a flustered noise from Nico as the two older girls taunted him. The door closed with a thud as you made your way to the closet. Picking out a soft fabric dress, you tugged it over your head and let it fall cascade down your frame gracefully. The dress ended at your knees and went along with a light brown colored pair of boots.

Walking out of your room quietly, you headed to the front door. You tried to make your boots land quietly on the floor and failed miserably, afraid you'd get caught, you quickly threw on your jacket and wen to open the door. Just as you were about to open the door, a warm hand grabbed your arm gently. Alarmed, you turned around to see Annabeth looking at you.

She raised her eyebrow in question and you grinned at her as an answer. Giving her a mischievous smile, you slide outside the door and closed it. You then made your way to a clearing in the forest and walked off to the road. Hailing a taxi, you climbed in and asked the driver to take you to a boutique you knew well.

After the war with Gaea was over, Hazel, Frank, Reyna and your other friends from Camp Jupiter, went back to their home in California. The Unique Boutique was Hazel's own little shop that she ran with Frank when she collected enough money. You smiled as the shop came into view and waited until the car came to a stop to pay the driver.

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