Chapter 14-Edited

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                     "Hey! Drop it! Drop it! Sapphrenia! Drop the gosh darn blanket! No! Darn it! now I can't see!" you grumbled as Sapphrenia threw the blanket on top of your head. You heard her neigh in reply and rolled your eyes as you tugged the blanket off. Nico, Annabeth, and you were getting ready to leave to finish the quest, and things weren't going as smoothly as planned. Nico and Annabeth were actually inside talking to Sally and Paul while you were getting everything together and preparing Sapphrenia.

Scratch that. You were trying to prepare Sapphrenia while she was being. . .difficult. Folding the blanket back up, you went to place it in the satchel when Sapphrenia tugged it out of your hands once more and pushed you to the ground. Watching her prance around with it in her mouth, you growled lowly and got up. Glaring at her, you went to grab it from her when a familiar voice behind you made you jump.

"I'm sorry, what was that Nico? I can't hear your sarcastic comments as I'm trying to get a blanket from my horse." you declared as you gritted your teeth and grasped the end of the blanket. Sapphrenia, however, saw this coming and tugged the blanket with so much force that you were flung onto her back. "Ouch." you gasped as you laid their for a second before getting up. Nico snickered and you glared at him. Looking him over, your breath stopped in your throat.

He wore dark black jeans that hung loosely at his hips. His torso branded a matching black shirt with a skull on it, along with his signature aviator jacket. After you were done drinking in his appearance, you reached over to a whining Sapphrenia and tugged the blanket out of her mouth. With a victorious "yes" you hurriedly threw it into the satchel and patted her back lovingly. "Nice try, Saph. Maybe next time though." Sapphrenia grunted and tried to buck you off jokingly.

You swayed violently as you held onto her main with all of your strength and clung to her back for balance. She lifted her wings up and down, pretending to take flight. Shouting in surprise, you held on to dear life as she ran around the backyard. Nico watched in the corner with a smirk gracing his pale complexion. Sapphrenia's wings caught your side accidentally, making you tumble down from her tall frame. Pain ricocheted down your arm as you landed on your wrist. You cried out in pain as you laid sprawled out onto the floor. Annabeth came running towards you in a panic.

"What happened?" she exclaimed as she took in the scene before her. Nico explained everything to her and she slapped his arm.

"Ouch!" he whimpered as he rubbed his forearm. Annabeth rolled her eyes and ran over to you.

"Are you alright?" she asked gently. You glared at her and shrugged her hands off of you.

"Yeah, just peachy." you replied as you grimaced and got up. The pain went away and your wrist looked fine after three more minutes of glaring at a guilty Sapphrenia. "You're lucky I heal fast. If I didn't, you would be in so much trouble young lady." you scolded as she bent her head in shame. You patted her neck, careful of your hurt arm and went through the satchel strapped to her saddle for a brace. Once you found one, you placed it on your wrist and secured the velcro straps tightly. You turned to Annabeth and Nico, telling them that it was time to set off. They nodded their heads and climbed onto Sapphrenia after you. With a final wave towards Sally and Paul who were looking through the window, the three of you took flight.

"Arghhh!" The monster screamed as she held her battle axe above her head. You smirked and raised your knife up, having the point at the same height of your lower chest. Crouching slightly and swinging the knife in the monster's direction, the blade came in contact with her oily brown skin and she roared.

"How dare you! You will pay now! See your friends over there? You just sealed their fate!" she screeched in anger as she held her side painfully. You looked over at an unconscious Annabeth and an exhausted Nico lying against a nearby boulder. Your gaze turned back to the monster and watched as she turned to dust with a flick of your knife.

Walking over to Annabeth and hosting her up so that she leaned on your left shoulder, you walked over to Nico and had him lean on your right shoulder. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as he put his arm around you shoulder and muttered a thank you. You smiled and helped them up onto an irritated Sapphrenia.

Nico di Angelo x Reader Part 1Where stories live. Discover now