Chapter Three: TOSTY

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Chapter Three: The Older Shields The Young


The sky is beautiful. I've only witnessed the rising of the sun sometimes, but it was worth it if I get to see the beautiful changing of hues and different kind of colors painted in the sky.

"Watch your step, Kaiya-chan," the voice of Shirayuki-san brings me back to reality, and I blinked my eyes several times, realizing that I was zoning out.

I apologized immediately, covering it up with a laugh, "Sorry, sorry."

"Ah, by the way, where are we specifically heading to?" I asked, looking around us to see if I know where we were. My braided hair sways as I looked left and right, but I didn't seem to know where we really were.

"I see a house over there. We should check if we can stay and rest for awhile," Shirayuki-san quickly explains, gesturing me to where she said we were both heading. Nodding my head, I gazed at the now blue sky, a smile appearing on my lips.

Before we reached the house, Shirayuki-san and I had chatted, it was mostly about our plans and what we think would happen in our way of traveling. There were also times that we were silent, but later on continue where we left our conversation.

"Say," I stated, catching the red head's attention, her expression tells me to resume talking, and I cleared my throat to speak more loudly. "I haven't said anything about your hair, but it does suit you better now," I complimented her, smiling and tilting my head a little to get a better and clearer vision of her face. I don't usually compliment her, I know she sometimes feels uncomfortable when people keep on repeating that she had really pretty hair or she had rare red hair; even though it is true, I did my best to not displease her.

"Hmm. Thanks, you don't look bad with your new hairstyle either," Shirayuki-san returns the compliment, and I reached out my hand to her when we were about to jump over a huge boulder. "Why did you change your hair, though? Their not after you-- but I'm not saying that it doesn't suit you at all!"

I do get what she meant. But the messenger of the Prince, he knew what I looked like, so changing what I looked a bit would probably help Shirayuki-san and I to not get notice easily. With a hood, Shirayuki-san's red hair would not be noticed immediately unless it was removed or you looked into it more, whilst my own brown hair would just easily blend in the crowd or wherever we were, because it doesn't stand out that much.

"Ah, just so that the messenger man won't know it's me," I said, and when I looked on ahead I see the house Shirayuki-san was talking about. It looked like a two or three storey high building, but the lights weren't turned on, which means the people living there wasn't home.

"Let's hurry, Kaiya-chan! Before it gets dark!" Shirayuki-san ushers me to quicken my pace, and we both made it towards the building in no time.

"Excuse me!" Shirayuki-san knocks on the wooden door, and I look for any signs of anyone living inside, but it seems like nobody was inside at all. "Excuse me, is anybody there?"

"Shirayuki-san," I calmed her down, pushing her a little away from the door. "If nobody is not going to answer, we might as well just stay here outside," it was my turn to advise and help her go through her somehow panicking state. We both sat down on the grassy part of the ground, and we leaned our backs on the wall, "Are you hungry? I brought some packed lunch," I offered her a box of fried rice, it was better than nothing anyway.

".. Yes, thank you very much, Kaiya-chan!" Shirayuki-san nods her head happily, and I give her a spare spoon to eat. The green eyed Pharmacist eats humbly, and I admire the features that she was gladly blessed with. "Have some also, Kaiya-chan," she then repeated the offer that I had given her, and I laughed giddily, obeying and taking a spoonful of fried rice into my mouth.

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