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Like I said the days went fast. Next thing you know 1 day till the guys head to Europe. It was a sunny afternoon on a Saturday. I got a call from Kirk on the phone. He wanted me to go over. I put on my Mistfits shirt, jean shorts, and converse. I also put on a bit of makeup.

"Hey its me come over." Kirk said on the phone with a sad tone

"I'll be over in about 10minutes." I said

I drove over to Kirk's with my Kill em all cd and sang along. I drove up in the driveway stopped the car and checked how I looked and knocked on the door. Kirk opened it and I walked in

"Kirk are you ok?" I said as I was looking at him

we went and sat on the couch and watched tv. I put my hand on his shoulder and said

"Kirk i cant help if you dont tell me whats up?"

"Im just gonna miss you and I dont wanna be without you i-

Before he could finish his sentance I gave him a tight and long hug.

"Beth?" he said

"Yeh?" I said

"Can you sleep here tonight I want to say goodbye with you here."

"Yes of course.." I said

"Good.." he said happily

A love story-Kirk HammettWhere stories live. Discover now