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It was almost midnight which meant the wedding was gonna end. People were heading out and giving there goodbyes. A few minutes later I saw Tom and Deena walking towards us holding hands. Deena ran towards me and she gave me a huge hug. Kirk and tom hugged and talked for a bit. The look on Kirk's face when Tom was talking to him said it all. Then Deena and Tom walked away holding hands again. Me and Kirk walked out Kirk hand his arm around my waist until we got in the limo to go back to the hotel.

"Baby guess what!?" he said with a huge smile

"What did he say?" I said excited

"Tom is planning on proposing to Deena!" he said almost shouting

"WHAT THATS AMAZING!!" I said and gave him a huge hug who knew my best friends soon engagement made me so happy.

Kirk just looked at me in the eyes and kissed me.

"What is it baby?" I said with a smile

"It's just who knew after Mr. Miller stealing a note would lead up to the best day of my life." he said happily

I just smiled and kissed him and he was right who knew

The limo suddenly pulled up to the hotel lot. Kirk thanked the limo driver. He then picked me up bridal style and walked us up to our hotel room.

---you should know what happens next ;)---

Kirk layed me on the bed and started unzipping my dress. He started violently kissing me the made his way to my tits he took off my bra and started sucking on one of my tits.

I felt his erection on my stomach but it kinda felt good. He kissed me all the way down to my thighs. He then took off my panties with his teeth and started to clean me out.

I let out a super loud. I go up and unbuttoned his pants. I rubbed his member through the thin fabric of his boxers and he let out a small moan.

I moved my hand up and down his length and slowly began to pump it up and down which caused him too moan a little louder.

He then started pulling my hair. I then stopped and got on top of him. He smiled and started to kiss my neck. He left a hickey on it but I didn't care.

He then pushers me back on the beds ands jerked him self off a few times before entering me. He started off slow then went faster as I begged for more. He went faster until I knew I was gonna come undone. I couldn't take it anymore I knew I was ready.

"Cum for me baby girl." He said as he thrusted faster

I screamed out in pleasure I already knew I was ready. I became undone my juices leaked out of me. I whimpered as my juices flowed out of me.

"That's my girl." Kirk said as he kissed my neck. I smiled and

"Since were married this better be something to get used to." he said winking at me

"Shut up." I said laughing

He just giggled and looked at me with those adorable brown eyes.

"Now go put on something to sleep in ok?" he said

"Whatever you say." I said sarcastically
He chuckled and layed back on the bed.

I put on some shorts and one of his shirts and put my hair up in a bun. Kirk was laying on the bed watching a movie. I cuddled up next to him and soon I fell asleep.

I wasn't feeling good at all. I was tired, puking, and my period came late. Suddenly I remembered that night after the wedding we didn't think about protection.

oh god oh lord what oh god am I pregnant oh god what am I gonna tell Kirk, my family, the guys. Fuck what do I do?? Ugh if I am what if Kirk leaves me???

Since Kirk wasn't home I went to the nearby store and bought a random pregnancy test. I drove home as fast as I can and went to the restroom and locked the door. When I was done I looked at the test and you guessed it it was positive. I started to cry and started thinking about how I was gonna tell Kirk. I was so lost and scared and nervous. Just as things got any worse. I heard Kirk walk in the house.

"Babe i'm home! where are you?" he said

I hid the pregnancy test under the sink and threw away the box as fast as I can and ran downstairs.

"Here I am." I said as I walked over to him

"Hey my love." he said as he kissed me on the forehead

Knowing Kirk he noticed that something was wrong

"Babe? You ok you look like you were crying or something". he said as he reached out to touch my face

"U-uhh nothing i'm fine." I said nervously.

"Beth I know your lying. Tell me its ok i'm istening." he said as he sat me down on the couch

"Kirk how come you get all weird when I talk about having a child?

Kirk exploded and said

"Cause im not fucking ready ok? You know what you wanna know the real reason. Its cause Rebecca told me i'll be a horrible father and don't deserve a child!! She told me many horrible things ok so when you bring up something like that that's why I act like an ass!

I looked at Kirk and realized he was crying. I felt bad for him that he had to hear that bitch Rebecca say that kind of stuff to him.I knew Kirk would be a great dad and husband. I rested my head on his shoulder and held his and and rubbed his knuckles with my thumb

"Kirk i'm not that whore Rebecca ok?" I said

He just looked down with no emotion

"Beth the truth is I want to be a father badly but I was scared to tell you and Rebecca telling me that stuff years ago just hurt me." he said

"Well guess what?" I said

"Your gonna be a father in 10 months." I said looking into his eyes

His reaction was him getting up and picking me up and spinning me around and giving me 10000 kisses.


"Im gonna be a fucking dad!!!" he said with that adorable grin he always has on his face

I JUST WANNA SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PART 13 WILL BE OUT SOON!!!" sorry if this was weird lolol but thx <3 <3

A love story-Kirk HammettWhere stories live. Discover now