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Beth's POV

Where am I?
What's happening?
What time is it?
What day is it?
So many thought so many questions I didn't know anything the world is black the world is silent. Am I dead? Am I alive? I don't know anymore. The last thing I remember is that I was lying down on the ground covered in my own blood and with severe stomach pain and the last people I saw were Kirk, the paramedic, and the mysterious man. Am I awake?.

"Beth?! Wake up!?" A mysterious voice said. It sounded so familiar. Then the mysterious person calling me began to shake me.

"Beth wake up!" The voice called again while shaking me

The world began to open up I was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a dozen or more random machines in a peach colored room. Suddenly it hit me I began to remember more and more. I remembered how me and tracey went shopping and how the mysterious man attacked me. It was all so clear now. After that I was taken to a hospital. I then looked over to my right to see it was morning. Was I here for so long? Then I felt someone touch my face. I looked over to my left and then I saw Cliff, Tracey, James and Lars.

"Your awake thank god are you alright?" Cliff said

"Uhh yeah just a little headache." I said I was wrong cause right after I said that I felt the worst pain ever I looked down at my stomach to see a huge purple bruise. On the side there was stitches and bandages. Is this happening? No it can't be.

The door slightly creaked open. There stood a tall man wearing a white coat and had a clipboard. I figured he was the doctor.

"Beth your awake thank goodness. We have good news and bad news." He said with a said expression

"What is it doctor." I said nervously

"The severe blows to your stomach caused you to have a miscarriage." He said

My heart dropped I suddenly felt my eyes sting. The hot tears began to flood down my eyes.

"What? No this can't be!" I said

"Were sorry but we couldn't save it. But your lucky to be alive you have a few minor injuries." He said
I felt so much rage and sadness I can believe this. I lost my child.

"Where's Kirk does he know?" I said. My voice was so shakey I highly doubt they understood what I said.

"Yes he knows we can call him in if you like." The doctor said

"Please." I said with tears flooding from my face

The doctor walked out of the room. Then I asked everyone to leave so I could talk to kirk alone. When they walked out seconds after Kirk walked in. His sparkly brown eyes were puffy and red like he was crying. He looked at me with a blank expression. I felt the tears just by looking at him. He walked over to me and sat on the chair by the hospital bed. I reached out and touched his hand.

"Kirk i'm so sorry it was my fault I should of have not gone with tracey." I said nervously

"Beth it's not your fault." He said not looking at me

"You lost your child cause of me." I said looking away
He grasped his hand into mine and told me to look at him

"Yeah I wanted a child and still do but listen. It was the baby or you. I asked them to save you cause if you were gone I'd be alone I'd have nothing." He said with a sad facial expression

"I'm sorry." I said still crying

He didn't say anything the light in his eyes seemed to have disappeared. He seemed to have given up.

I forced a small smile but failed he just kept looking down at the floor I can tell just by looking at him he was more broken that ever.

A love story-Kirk HammettWhere stories live. Discover now