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Kirks POV

It was about 10 in the morning. Its been a few days since beth has been in the hospital. Today the doctor said we could take her home. We went to the waiting room and the guys were there sitting down. Cliff looked at me with a blank expression. James looked like as if he was crying. Lars was looking down at the floor and Tracey was crying.

"So is everything alright?" Cliff said

"Yeah." Beth said sadly

When we walked out of the hospital the tour bus was already parked there. I walked in first. When I walked in I walked to my bunk and sat down on it. So many emotions were going through me. Then I felt my eyes getting hot. I felt like crying but the tears wouldn't come out. I felt so depressed I didn't want to do anything. I wish I never let Beth go out alone I felt like it was my fault.

"Kirk?" Beth said quietly

"Y-yeah." I said startled

She sat down on the bunk besides me and put her head on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered in my ear

"Its my fault." I said

"No its not." she said holding my hand.

I slowly pulled my hand away. I don't deserve someone like Beth. She deserves better than me.
There was a bit of silence until she spoke again

"Where are you guys gonna perform next?" she said trying to change the subject.

I just shrugged and layed down. Avoiding eye contact. I just heard her sigh and get up and walk out of the room.

Beth's POV

Hours passed it was already 5:00. I went to go to Kirk's room to see if he was there but he wasn't I began to panic. I suddenly heard my phone ring it was James

Beth: "Hey James what's up?" I said

James: "Kirk and Lars went to the strip club downtown and girls were all over them, Get dressed i'm coming there we need to get there before Kirk makes a huge mistake."

Beth: What the fuck are you serious!!??"

James: Beth I wouldn't lie to you hurry i'll be there in less than 5 minutes."

Beth: Fine see ya

James: Bye

Kirk's POV

Me and Lars went to some random strip club downtown. He said I should go cause I needed to live a little. I was nervous I felt as If i was making a huge mistake. I was depressed. We had a few drinks already. I had no idea what I was doing.

"Hey man you alright." Lars said

"I feel sick man." I said

Right when I said that as if on cue two women one was tall and one was short like Lars came to us. The tall one was wearing a black bra and miniskirt with white heels. I'm not gonna lie she wasn't very attractive. The short one was already doing things with Lars. He seemed to be enemy it.

"Hey darling what's your name." the tall one told me

"I'm Kirk." I said rubbing my eye

"i'm Jayden." she said as she flipped her blonde hair in my face

"Nice to meet you." I said I was pretty annoyed already but I wasn't even thinking.

"Say Kirk why don't you and me go somewhere just you and me." she said seductively

Without thinking I got up and followed her like a lost puppy.

"What am I doing." I thought

she sat me down in a chair and started undressing me. Then I snapped back to reality.

"Ugh I can't do this i'm married." I said pushing her away

"Where's the ring." she said playing with my hair.

I held up my hand and showed her. She gave me a dirty look but continued what she was doing then out of know here she pressed lips onto mine. I kissed back for only a few seconds but i pulled away as quick as I can. She stopped and said
"Well i'm just wasting my time then." she said walking away. Minutes passed it was silent what did I just do. Why did I let her on me. Suddenly I heard a girls voice

"How can you do this to me?" the voice said. Reality kicked in again I knew exactly who it was

"Kirk..Why did you do this?" Beth said

I got up and walked over to her.

"Beth ughh what are you doing here? I said

"James told me." I've never thought you'd do this." she said looking down.

"Baby I was drunk I wasn't thinking. I-I'm so sorry." I said but the second i said that she slapped me super hard across the face causing me to tumble backwards.

"How could you I don't how you would rather fuck a low life whore" she shouted

"Beth i-" i started but she interrupted me

"Fuck you." Was all she could say avoiding with her eyes filled with tears.

Jayden heard that and walked over. She looked pissed as hell

"What you say?" Jayden said

"You heard me Bitch." She said

Jayden threw a punch at Beth. But Beth threw her on the ground by her stomach. Beth punched her several times. Jayden tried getting up but Beth tackled her. Jayden stayed on the ground. A bunch of the other sluts ran to her.

Beth's POV
I just beat the shit out of some whore. She was lying on the floor she was crying but she was fine. Im pretty sure I broke her nose. I looked over to my left Kirk was staring at me with a blank expression. I felt my eyes sting and sure enough tears ran down my eyes. I ran out as fast as I could I didn't stop running till I was out of breath.

Kirk tried running after me but I just kept running. I sat down at some random bench and called up a taxi. When the taxi driver came I just sat down

"Where to miss." he said nicley

"Airport please." I said. He just looked at me for a second and sighed

"I know its not my buisness but I can tell you just had a heartbreak I just wanna let you know that it will get better. Trust me men make dumb mistakes when there in love. Just give it time." he said with a smile

"Thankyou sir I appreciate it." I said.

"No problem." He said with a smile

Through the whole ride I thought about everything. I just couldn't believe it. I felt so much anger to the point where I felt sick. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Oregon Airport miss." He said

"Thankyou." I said

I was planning on going back to L.A but yet I had no idea what I was doing. I thanked the taxi driver and walked away.


A love story-Kirk HammettWhere stories live. Discover now