Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

He gave me one of his smirks, the ones I truly hate. His hair use to be long, maybe to his shoulders. But now his blonde hair looks a little brown and was buzz cut. His dark brown eyes were piercing into my blue ones.

"Just wanted to see how you were doings." He started walking towards me. I let out a small sarcastic laugh.

Ha. Good one....Really.

"You know Denny, if you actually cared you wouldn't have made my life even more horrible then it already is. So do me a huge favor and get the hell out of here." My voice was icy and pretty loud.

"Jeez Mia," he got even closer to me, I kept my ground and didn't look anywhere but him." I heard you were leaving today, just wanted to say that I missed you."

"Well first of all, EW. Don't miss me it makes me want to throw up. And plus I'm moving twenty minutes away from here, not to Africa. Now if you could just leave, that would be fantastic." He smiled at me, and then after a couple of seconds I saw his skinny almost snake like body make it's way to the door. My body that was tense a few seconds ago was loosening up.

Denny is probably one of the most horrible human beings I've ever came across. The worst part is, I didn't know that when I fell in love with him. Or at least I think I did. All that matters now is that he's one of the people that helped make me a bitter person.

I was startled by the sound of someone knocking on the door. I made my way through the door and opened it.

"Good morning Mia! Are you ready?"Reggie's high pitched voice really woke me up. I forced a smile for some reason and told them to come inside. I didn't know Liz was behind me until I turned around and saw Reggie and Robert talking to her. Something about the way Robert and Reggie eyes looked like made me feel at ease. They were actually full of emotion, something that I have not come across. Liz led the Kalebs into the office and she waited by the door for me.

"Are you ready bud?" She said with a comforting smile. I smiled back reassuring her that I'll be okay. I went into the office where the Kalebs were sitting down, and Liz followed behind me.

"How are you feeling Mia?" Roberts voice made me jump a little for some reason. I wasn't expecting any of them to talk.

"I'm doing just fine." My bitter like voice replied. I don't know why my tone is always so icy, I just can't control it.

"Well, Mia you can get your things ready and meet the Kalebs outside by their car. They just need to sign one more thing." Liz's voice seemed a little shaky. I nodded and left the room. I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the house. I didn't know it was cold out until the cold breeze it my face.If I could count how many times I've left with this bag over my shoulders and then ended up coming back, I would need another pair of hands. As soon as I looked up to look for their car, I was stunned and frozen by the white Maybach Landaulet that was parked in front of me.

I froze for a little while, the sound of the door opening up made me realize that I should breath. This car is worth this whole neighborhood, twice. I didn't realize how close Robert and Reggie were until I felt an oversized hand on my shoulder.

"You ready Mia?" His tone was friendly and sincere. I nodded and smiled without realizing it. Robert led the way to the car and opened up the back door for me.

"Thank you." I said half heartedly.

"No thank you." His smiled and me and his eyes gave out an emotion that seemed to e bright. I got into the car and the leather white interior took me in. I looked around the car in utter amazement. The car was all white and parts of it was black.

"Seatbelts!" Reggie yelled! I didn't know I was spacing out until her voice startled me. The rest of the ride there I didn't speak. I was in awh of the car, and the city. I've never really been in the city of New York. I usually come here with Carla and we would get some burgers. The sight of the people and the buildings kept me busy. I didn't know the car stopped until Robert opened my door. We were still in the middle of the city, so many people were walking.

"You can come out now bud." Robert said with a side smile.I smiled back and got out of the car. I walked away from the car so Robert can close the door. I looked up at the buildings that almost made my neck break. I could see Reggie and Robert smiling at my side. And some how that managed to make me smile.

What is wrong with me?

"Let's go Mia." Reggie said while walking towards the big black, modern looking building. We walked until we reached the elevator, I kept looking around to take this place in.


The elevator doors opened up, and it was pretty big. The buttons that hand the numbers were on my side.

"What floor?" I said with my tone somewhat comfortable.

"Floor number twenty-two." Robert said looking at me then at Reggie. These two seemed madly in love. It's like they talk by just looking at each other. Well honestly I don't know what love is. All I know is that if I were to picture love, it would look somewhat like this. It didn't take long for the elevator to stop, and when it did there was a black and white hallway that had two doors at opposite ends. I stepped out of the elevator after Reggie and Robert did. They took a right turn which meant the right one is their house. We waited until Robert put the code for the house on the machine that was on the doorknob.

What happened to using keys?

But that thought didn't matter, because when that door opened up I was completely breathless. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped and almost fell off. My eyes widened at the sight of this place, how beautiful and modern like it is.

"Welcome to your new home Mia." Robert and Reggie said in unison,they almost sounded the same. My stomach did this weird flutter and I couldn't help but smile. I stepped in and looked from side to side with disbelief. This is actually my new home, and these people are actually real human beings.

"Let's show you your new home." Reggie's voice sounded so sweet and happy. I nodded looking back at her.

I have a good feeling about this.


So Mia lives in New York! But she's loved in a bad town! Now she lives in the city!



-much love

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