Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

After we got home, I couldn't help but think about who I bumped into. I changed into some sweatpants I found in the closet in my room. It felt weird taking clothes from the closet, I mean I know their mine but I still feel weird.

"Mia? Come out when your done. Were in the living room." I heard Roberts voice yelling through the door.

"Okay, be right out!" I yelled back. I decided to give them a chance, I need to, they haven't done anything wrong. I put on an old sweater that belonged to Rick, he gave it to me when I first started to work at the coffee shop.

Speaking of the coffee shop, how the hell am I going to make that work? Maybe I can do it less times a week, maybe like once a week on Fridays? I made my way out of my room and to the living room. I didn't see the living room yet, but I know it's behind the kitchen.

I passed the kitchen, and the colors black and white took over the room. The sofas were white and had black pillows. The t.v was hung on the opposite side of the sofas. There was a black table in the middle, in between them. On the right side of the living room there was a huge glass window that surrounded a breakfast table that had four long seats. Robert and Reggie were sitting on the table.

"Hey Mia. Come here! Have a seat." Reggie said with a warm smile.I made my way to where they were sitting, and took a seat.

"So, this is a great view." I said while taking in the sight of the beautiful New York City. I've always dreamed to live in the city, and now that I'm actually here I can't seem to grasp it. I think Robert and Reggie realized what I was doing and stayed quite for a while. I looked back at them to reassure them that I'm done and that they could talk.

"So are you ready for tomorrow?" Robert asked. I didn't know what they were talking about at first, but it came to me that was the audition. I'm auditioning to be in one of the best schools in the world, and I have to sing tomorrow.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready." I tried to sound certain.

"Well good, we heard you sing. And trust us when you say you sounded fantastic." They paused and gave me a comforting smile."and no we're not just saying that, we're serious Mia. You sound amazing."and for some reason, I truly believed them. I smiled back at them. There is something about these two that make me trust them, but I can't seem to figure that out yet.

We talked about their job for a little, and how it's going really well. The own the biggest traveling company ever, and they absolutely love their job. They told me all the places they've been, Italy, Croatia, Russia, and so much more. They've even been to Spain, it's one of the places I've always wanted to go. We laughed, and told jokes, I even laughed.

I laughed.

I didn't notice the time flying until Roberts phone rang. He and Reggie have a meeting to be at.

"Oh my it's already seven o'clock?" Reggie said while putting her hand to her forehead. Before I knew it they were dressed and making their way out. "There is food in the fridge, you can order take out if you want? And we won't be long just and hour or so!" Reggie yelled as she closed the door.

And then there was one.

I went to my room and put on my coat, I decided to go sit on the balcony. I didn't realize how close the the other buildings were to me. Or how the neighbors balcony is so close to mine. It kind of creeped me out to be honest. What if my neighbor were to jump into my balcony at night?

I stayed out there for as long as I could, but it is to freaking cold out. By the time I went back inside I couldn't feel my face. I honestly don't know how I feel about tomorrow, am I suppose to be happy? Nervous? Or just plain scared? I should be a little scared, but my musical ego is coming in the way. I know my voice is good, great actually, I just sometimes feel like it's the only thing I have. And if I don't do well then I have nothing else to live for. Like this is the only way for me to actually feel alive.

I wonder if I got the whole musical genes from my mother? Or father? Or maybe my grandma or something.

I don't know.

Maybe I am nervous, or maybe I'm just overthinking it. I decided to go over the lyrics so I don't mess up tomorrow. I went over it once.


Three times.

I needed to get some rest, I put the lyrics on the nightstand and got under the sheets. I never thought I'd be comfortable anywhere but my bed back home.

Oh crap, Carla.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello." Her voice sounded tired.

"Hey bud, how are you doing?" I said in a whisper for some reason.

"I'm good, besides the fact that you just woke me up and I have a test tomorrow. How is it going over there?" She said with her high pitched voice.

"Well I think I would have to show you." I said thinking about how I live in the middle of the city." But you get some rest, we can talk later."

"Okay bud, your going to do great tomorrow don't worry." With that she said goodnight and I put my phone back on the nightstand. I didn't know I was so tired until I shut my eyes. But the first thing that I saw when I closed my eyes, made me open them back up again. I saw Lucas, his hazel eyes. I tried shaking the thought of him out of my head, but it wasn't easy. It's not like I'll ever see him again?





Did I ever mention how much I waking up in the morning? Because I hate it with a passion. A burning passion. But I can't hate it today, I looked at the clock and I read 10:43.

Great, I have a half our to get dressed, and get to the audition. I popped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, I turned on the hot water in the modern black and white tub. I undressed myself and hopped in, I decided to practice the song in the shower.

And thank god I still have the lyrics down.

I grabbed a towel that was hung by the tub, and wrapped it around my body. I made my way out if the bathroom and to the closet. I've never had to do anything like this before, so I don't exactly know the exact attire to wear. Plus I have like four outfits so My choices aren't that great. I decided to put on a black sweatshirt and some skinny jeans. I put on some boots that I found in the closet because I wasn't about to go out in converse in negative degree weather. I put my beanie on to go over my slightly curly brown hair, and grabbed my phone.

I left my room as soon as I was ready. I made my way to the kitchen where Robert and Reggie were, they were dressed and they seemed like they were waiting.

"Good morning." I said, my voice sounding tired.

"Good morning. We made breakfast, there are pancakes, and waffles." Robert said with a smile. His eyes seemed tired, like he hasn't slept. I smiled at the fact that the last time I had pancakes was six years ago when Liz decided to cheer me up after an addition gone wrong. I say next to Robert and grabbed a fork and started to eat. It was so good, I didn't know if I would stop.

"I'm guessing you like pancakes?" Reggie said with a smile. I nodded and smiled to reassure her that I do indeed love pancakes." So the car is ready for you downstairs, he's going to take you to the audition, and being you back afterwards. How does that sound?" She said putting her plate into the dish washer after throwing the rest of her pancakes away.

The car? So does that mean I have like a chauffeur? Well that's awkward. But I guess it's better then them buying me a car, or me having to find a taxi every time I need to leave.

"Yeah that sounds good. Do you guys have work?" I asked without realizing. Reggie and Robert looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes we do, but we will be home at five o'clock." Reggie said." Now go! Your going to be late!" She said smiling, she handed me a water bottle and they both wished me good luck. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of what I'm about to do. After I reached the elevator and pressed the button, I had to wait for what seemed to be a little while.

"This elevator is the worst." I heard a masculine voice behind me say. I turned around to see this blonde haired, blue eyed guy. He was kinda skinny, too skinny but he seemed like he had some muscle. He extended his arm so I would shake his hand. "Sam, I live next door." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but notice how perfect his teeth were.

"Cool, I'm Mia." I said with an awkward tone. His hands didn't give me butterflies like Lucas's hands did.

Shut up Mia.

"So how long are you staying?" He asked while looking up at the elevator to see what floor it's one. And it was on the tenth floor.

"Well, I don't know it depends on how these folks are." His face seemed confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, they decided to take me in, and if it goes well they could adopt me." I don't know why I felt like I could tell him anything. I feel like I've known him for awhile.

"Oh, I see. And how's that going so far?" He asked.

"It's going good I guess, now that I think about it. It's going good." I smiled but this time I was looking at the gray elevator doors.


We both got into the elevator and I pressed the button that had the "B" written on it.

"So where are you headed?" He asked while turning his body to face me.

"Well I have this audition at this music school-" he cut me off half way through my sentence.

"Wait Gerardies?" He said with a side smile.

"Yeah? Why?" I asked with my tone being confused.

"I go there, I okay the piano." I smiled at the thought that I'm not the only musical person in this building. And maybe that I've actually have made a new friend.

"Oh that's awesome, I've always wanted to play piano." I said with an excited tone. He laughed at my enthusiasm. When I talk about music or instruments my whole mood just changes, it's like I'm a different person.

The elevator doors opened and immediately my eyes started looking for the car Reggie and Robert told me about.

"Well I guess I'll see you later, you can tell me what happened at your audition." He then took out his iPhone from the front pocket of his khakis. He was dressed so formal, and it's for school? It made me feel like I chose the wrong style for today. "What's your number?" I didn't know my number since Robert and Reggie gave me a new phone.

"I kinda don't know my number-" with that he took my phone out of my hand and started typing. After a couple seconds his phone rang. And then he gave me my phone back.

"I'll be sure to message you later! Bye neighbor!" With that he left and I watched him get into his Corvette.

Yes, Corvette.

I looked around the parking lot and I saw a tall man with a black suit on. He was standing In front of a black SUV. He removed his black hat and put it on his side where he rested his arms.

"Ms.kaleb?" He said with a warm smile. I started walking closer to him and I extended my arm so he would shake my hand.

"Mia, my name is Mia." I smiled back at him and he shook my hand.

"My name is Daunte, and your going to be late Mia." With that he went to the back seat and opened the door. He smiled and gestured for me to get in. I smiled and went into the car. He told me the place was far from here, and with the cities traffic at this hour it would take us ten minutes or so. "You know Mia, for a girl that's about to audition for one of the biggest music schools in the world, you don't seem nervous." He said looking in the middle mirror so he would see me.

"Well you know Daunte, just because it seems like I'm not nervous doesn't mean I'm not dying of fear inside." I let out a small laugh and he chuckled. After a couple minutes he pulled up and got out of the car. I wondered where he was going, why would he leave me like this. Then someone opened my door, and I looked up and it was him. Why would he open the door for me? I could just do it myself. The cold breeze hit my face as soon as I got our of the car. I smiled at Daunte and he closed the car door.

"I will be here when you get out Mia." And with that he left. He left me in front of the school that I've been dreaming of my whole entire life, the school that held all the possibilities of me doing something with my life. The school was huge, it had a Medieval look to it for some reason. It reminded me of Hogwarts to be honest. I started walking to the huge,dark doors that led to the school. As soon as I got in the warm air brought back feeling to my cold body.

I couldn't help but admire how this place looks like. The black tile that had music signs all over it, the walls that are full if awards and pictures of people that are making it in the real world. I couldn't help but wish that one day, my picture would be up on there. But who am I kidding, I'm almost late to my audition. I read the signs that were plastered on the walls that led me to the audition rooms.

It was empty, well at least I think it was. A girl came out crying, she was wearing a black dress and had her hair in a bun. She was also running and had her fingers wipe away the tears that were strolling down my face. If I wasn't nervous before, I sure as hell am nervous now. I sat on the blue plastic chair that was in front of the doors to the audition room. I was taking deep breath in, and out.

Deep breath in.

Let it out.

Deep breath in


"Mia Kaleb?" A women that was wearing a black pencil shirt and a white button up that was tucked in came out from the room. What does everyone keep saying Kaleb? Seriously.

"That's me." She went back inside and I guess I was suppose to follow her or something so I did. I pushed the door open and a small warm breeze hit me. The room was kind of dark, and there were four seats and a table in front of it. There was a red X tapped on the black tile where I guess I was suppose to stand. I tried to see who was sitting but the light was to dark. At this point I was nervous, I couldn't breath.

Every part of my body was still. All I could hear are people's breath. The people that are waiting for me to sing. The people who are going to judge me. The people who will decide wether my future will be okay or not. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.



"Share my life, take me for what I am-" then I blanked.

What are the lyrics after that.

"You have one more try." I heard a female voice say. I recognized her from when she called my name.



"Share my life, take me for what I am-" damn it. Great. Way to mess everything up Mia. I started walked to the door. I can't believe I forgot the lyrics, I knew them this morning. I can't believe everything I dreamed about just died because I forgot the lyrics to the song I've been practicing all week. No I'm not leaving, I'm not letting this go so easily. "Just let me sing one more song." I said in a confident tone.

"No I'm sorry, you hade to chances and you couldn't remember the lyrics. Maybe next year." The women's voice said. I heard a man talking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Just let me sing this song, I will get it right I promise." I sounded like I was pleading but I didn't care, this is my dream. I'm not letting it go so easily.

"No I'm sorry you-" the women's voice was cut off by a mans voice that sounded very familiar. After a couple seconds I saw a figure that i recognize. Dark hair and somewhat like skin, and the eyes.

The hazel eyes. He came closer to me and my breath began to shorten.

"Mia, just take a deep breath. And sing the song that makes you feel comfortable. Sing a song that means something to you. Does this audition matter to you Mia?" He said while his eyes were fixed on mine. I was speechless by how his eyes fascinated me, and brought all types of emotion playing in my head. I nodded as yes to his question. "Okay then make this song mean something. Let the music take over you. I've seen it happen, and your an amazing singer Mia. Just let it take over you." He put his hand on my shoulder and every part of my body felt like it was floating. I felt confident, like he just transferred some energy and power to me.

Of course there was only one song that made me feel better, a song that always meant something to me.



"I stare at my reflection in the mirror, why am I doing this to myself. Losing my mind on a tiny error,I nearly left the real me on the shelf.


Don't lose who you are...

Just be true to who you are.."

I didn't know why my eyes were closed. But when I opened them I saw four people staring at me, their jaws almost touching the ground. And right then and there I knew that my life just took one of the biggest turns ever.

"Welcome to Gerardies school of music Mia." Lucas said as he came closer to me. And this moment I will always remember as a perfect moment, with the perfect person.

Hello! I really hope you guys are enjoying this! Some feedback would be lovely :)



-Much love!

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