Bonus Chapter: The Bate Incident.

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Rose's point of view.

Adam's hands stay still in my hips as his lips leave a trace of wet kisses in my neck, going down the the beginning of my breasts. My hands, in change, play with his black hair and slip down his cheek and chest. We've starting to figure each other out: the texture, the scents, the closeness.

And we've definitely been feeling the closeness way a bit. Well, maybe more than a bit. Maybe way more than that.

Adam rolls me over, so I'm beneath him this time, and his fingers lift my blouse up little by little, discovering how sensitive my skin can be. He holds my hips so they're still because I can't stop moving. There are too many feelings. I reach out to him and place the palm of my hand in the back of his neck to bring his lips to mine, my other hand traveling to the buttoms of his shirt, his going up and down my leg. I pop one button. Two buttons. Three. Four...

"What the fuck?" My older brother Tyler appears in my bedroom door, uncalled. Sometimes, it seems like he appears specifically when I'm doing something he doesn't like.

Why. Just why.

I put distance between me and Adam, blushing and pulling my shirt down "What are you doing here? Why aren't you at grandma Erica's party?" I can never in the world bring a boy home, and when nobody is home, they turn out to have a sixth sense to figure out if I'm trying to flirt. Flirt is the key world. I may be nineteen now, but I have brothers and a set of very protective dads who would rather if I died virgin. Most of them, anyway.

Tyler doesn't look at me. No, he's looking at Adam. Also known as his best friend... Also known as womanizer best friend.

"What the fuck, Adam? What the actual fuck?!" He starts to get red in the face quickly.

Oh, no! No, no, no!

Adam stands up and puts his hands up in the air, looking almost scared of my brother. Since daddy Nathan and Silas have been teaching him some moves in hand to hand combat, I understand him. Besides, he's his best friend and I'm the little sister. Thinking about it, it was ment to go down.

"Hey, hey! This is not what you think! We're together. Your sister and I" Adam defends himself against Tyler's wrath.

"And you never minded to tell me? Tell someone? Do you think she can be your little secret?"

"Tyler, oh my god, it's not like that! Can you stop? This is not a 2000's movie!" I move between them to creathe a wall they can't cross, even knowing shit is hitting the fan real quickly "I asked him not to tell. We're still new, and I didn't feel confortable with all the girls at school knowing and sending me glances. Besides, you know how you are!"

He looks angry and surprised both "How am I?! What do you even mean?"

"Oh, my god, look at you! You're ready to fight your best friend!"

"You were off-limits!"

"You can't say that! You can't decide that!"

"What happened to the whole virgin to matrimony thing? Do you think he is gonna wait for you?" He brings my thirteen year old romantic thoughts to shoot me in the forehead.

Now I'm really blushing. Asshole!

And then, the biggest mistake comes from Adam's mouth, something that makes my brother stop and stare for a moment before grabbing the baseball bate my little brother Jake left around in my room: He scoffs.

For a moment, I close my eyes, and he seems to realize his mistake too. I stopped being a virgin nearly six months a go, for god's sake. But my brother doesn't know that, and that has always been for the best. When I look back up, Tyler's grabbed the baseball bate and has started aiming at my boyfriend while yelling something about loyalty and stolen virginities. Truth? We may be new together, but we've been around a lot. A lot. Adam jumps off my balcony from the second floor and falls into the garden, and I know that must had hurt. But I imagine that it doesn't hurt as much as the bate my brother holds right now. I yell Tyler's name, telling him to stop, but he turns around and goes down the stairs two steps at a time, going after the best friend who took my virginity.

"I feel like I should ask, but I don't really want to know" My little sister Aura stands in the bottom of the stairs with a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwich in her hands. I sit in a step, and sigh. I feel tired now "Here: You need it more than me"

She hands me her sandwich and sits next to me, watching me "When you have a boyfriend" I tell her "don't tell this family. Except mom. And me. Otherwise, shit is going to get crazy"

Aura laughs "When does it not?"


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