30: Strange

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The next few days went by with no trouble. No fights. No emotional backgrounds to take care of anymore. Nothing. Everything was calm for once. The past two weeks were extremely stressful, I was glad it was over for the most part. Keane still being a threat, but he has been seen for a while. Which is both worrying and relaxing. I got out of the shower and wondered where Offender was. I hadn't seen him this morning when I ate breakfast. It was odd, he always was waiting for me, unless I got up first. Which was almost never. I walked down the hall to his room, and knocked. There was no answer. I saw Slendy coming in through the front door. "Hey, have you seen Offender? I haven't seen him all morning." Slender shook his head. "No, I haven't either. I was going to ask you if you knew where he might have run off to." He responded. That's worrying. Where did he go? I began to worry. I thought about if he had said anything last night. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary of that night. I went to clear my head. Maybe he had to do something. I had to refrain from thinking that he might have left. He said he wouldn't do that. But would he? Just a little past lunch, I was in my room thinking about what ever seemed to pop up in my mind. I heard the front door open and close. Slendy hadn't given any warning that he had left. I went go check it out. Offender was leaned up against the door, holding something behind his back. I walked out my door to greet him. When he saw me he got that 'Oh shit' look on his face. He quickly dropped whatever was in his hand into his jacket pocket and smiled. I was confused on what he was doing. "Hey babe." He walked quickly behind me and kissed me on my cheek. He waltzed his way into his room. What the Hell was that all about? I thought. He acted strangely, for what reason I didn't know. I shrugged it off after while, when he began his usual routine of lounging around the house. Then an hour or so after dinner, Offender came knocking on my door. He popped the door open, closing it behind him. I jumped up off my bed. "Hey Crissy, I got something for you." He said smiling warmly at me. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his fist tightly wrapped around something. "Close your eyes." He instructed, he couldn't stop smiling,  making me suspicious. I looked at him, not fully understanding what was going on. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Trust me." He reasoned. So I did. I closed my eyes, sighing, giving in. He grabbed my hand. I hesitated. He slowly slipped something on to my middle finger. "Now, open!" He said excitedly. I looked at my hand. He had placed a silver ring onto my finger, that had been shaped into an infinity sign with the word 'CHANGE' in all capitals engraved into the front of the sign. I gasped looking at it. That's why he was acting strange earlier. I didn't know what to say, it was so beautiful. "What do you think? Do you like it?" He asked anxiously. "I love it. It so beautiful, thank you!" I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. It was such a nice gift. Although it was a size to big, I could only guess he got it to fit my hand when I morphed. It's honestly the thought that counts. And I was so not willing to ask where he got it, it would probably ruin the moment.

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