36: Dreams

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1st Person P.O.V.
I walked calmly through the forest, humming and enjoying the scenery. It was bright and sunny, with fall colors all around. A slight breeze came by and blew my hair up into the air for a moment, only to fall back down against my back. The sun shined brightly through the trees overhead. Red, yellow, orange, and gold leaves fell peacefully to the ground all around me. I sighed it being so peaceful. Suddenly a dark figure stood out in corner of my eye. I looked over to see a tall man in a black fedora, trench coat, and large army boots. His back faced me, I could only see his hands and the back off his neck, which were as pale as snow. I walked closer to him, trying to get a better look at him. He was standing perfectly still. I reached my hand out to touch his arm, but he disappeared into thin air. I looked around wildly, he was no where in sight. Everything became faded to dark colors until it was fully black. Small whispers could be heard saying, "Forget about him... Forget him... He's gone..." The voices gave me chills everytime. This wasn't the first time a dream like that had happened. There were more of its kind. They all started out that way, and all them had the same man in them. But, I didn't know who he was. A few dreams have him walking away, but no matter how fast or much I run after him I can never catch him. In a different dream someone was holding my hand, but I could never see them. This mattered little to me, because the feeling was warm and comforting. Then there were the nightmares. Those were like Hell. I walked through the forest, everything dark and eerie. Suddenly branches wound around my wrists and legs. Large branches binding my stomach and neck. I tugged and jerked my body this way and that, to no avail of getting free. Just as suddenly as it had started, it began to end. The branches loosened their hold, dropping to the ground. I felt something warm gently wrap around my waist, causing me to become still. I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth spread throughout my body. I still couldn't see who was behind me, but who ever they were, they always saved me from those nightmares. I blacked out not remembering anything else after that. Later I had another repeated dream, I knew how it was going to end, so I just stood there. I didn't go after the man. Then I heard the voices again. "Forget him... Forget him... Good..." With those words, the man slowly turned around for me to see his face. Half of his face was gone, only a frown upon his blank face. He stared at me for a moment before a warm smile crossed his face, sharp teeth showing. He faded away into nothing. The color in the dream didn't become black, quiet the opposite. The colors becoming brighter and brighter until it was all completely white. It was dark again, and I felt like I had slept an eternity. I opened my eyes, looking down at what I had slept on. I lay in my bed on my side. I look up to see the man from my dreams sitting on the edge of my bed, starring at me eagerly. I blinked a few times as I sat up, making sure he was real. He smiled at me, he seemed so happy to see me awake. I didn't understand it, I didn't even know him. "Crystal, you're awake!" He cried out as he hugged me. I sat in shock as he hugged me. How does he know my name? And why... why is he hugging me? My questions go unanswered as I think. He pulls me back from his embrace, starring at my face with a smile. "Who... are you?"

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