15: Time

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1st Person P.O.V.
The cool morning breeze swept in as I awoke. It felt nice in the crisp morning air. The sun peeked through the trees, glimmering brightly in the mixed darkness of intangled trees. I breathed deeply, taking in all the smells of the woods. I felt like I had slept an eternity, it felt wonderful. As I began to turn on to my back, I felt something warm press against me. I quickly turned my head to find Offender sleeping peacefully next to me. He was turned away, his back facing mine. Before I began freaking out, I thought back to last night, remembering what we had discussed with each other. The last thing I remember happening last night was... Crap! I immediately sat up, looking at myself. I was still in morph, his morph. Even greater crap... I rubbed my forehead. I had locked my morph. Only consequence for locking my morph, I have no control when to turn back until tomorrow. Temporary effects that are barely controllable for the next day or two, great. Just my luck. I gazed back to Offendy. He lay atop his jacket. I lied back down, staring up at the pinkish-blue sky. I didn't want to wake him up, I didn't even know what to say if I did. Nothing had changed between us when I went to sleep and now, but it felt like everything had. This was a completely different side of Offendy than the side she met their first day. That side of him was cocky, ignorant, and selfishly romantic. This side of him was caring, understanding, loving and hopeful. My heart began to race. No. No. I-I can't love him. He doesn't really l-love m-me. He just wants to use me like every other girl. Something deep down told me that wasn't true. I shoved those feelings down deeper. As soon as I looked to my side at Offendy, and those feelings exploded inside of me like a thousand fireworks. I couldn't stop the smile slowly spreading across my face. My heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour. My mind told me a thousand times no, but my heart told me a million times yes. Suddenly, he moved. I froze, my smile gone and faded. He rolled onto his back exhaling loudly. His right hand lay on his stomach, while his left arm was pulled above his head resting. He was motionless, other than a steady rise and fall of his chest. I longed to be closer to him. I crawled closer to him and touched his hand. He breathed in deeply, I quickly pulled my hand back. He sighed, and went back to normal. I sighed, glad he didn't wake up just yet. I placed my hand on his once more, nothing. His hand wasn't much warmer than mine. I curled up to his body, careful not to wake him. It was comfortable laying with him. I didn't fall asleep, I dozed off every once in a while, but I didn't want to waste a second of this. Just us two. For that would all soon change. In time...

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