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Note: If you haven't read Friends With Sqampy or the last chapter of it, please do so otherwise you will be extremely confused.

Sqaishey's POV

"Sqaishey can I walk with you for a minute?" Stampy asked me as I nodded. He lead me along the sand, and he tried to get a little further away from the rest of the group.

"What's up Stampy?" I asked, not knowing what to expect.

"Sqaishey, you know you are the first person I've ever loved. Even though we haven't been together for a year yet, I can feel something special. I've laughed with you, cried with you, and I've shared some of my best and worst moments with you. I've never met a better person in my life."

That's when Stampy did the most unexpected thing.

He got down on one knee. Emily covered her mouth, and Bri and Leela started jumping up and down. Squid was smiling a huge smile.

"Beth, will you marry me?"

My jaw hung open, and I tried to cover it up with my mouth. Tears stung my eyes. I've never felt this feeling before, it's a feeling I can't explain. It's kind of like I'm riding a giant roller coaster, constantly going up and down.

I looked over at Emily, and I saw she was crossing her fingers and repeatedly mouthing please say yes.

Stampy was staring into my eyes. He looked nervous for what I would say, but excited to take such a big step in our lives. I took a deep breath and my smile was revealed.

"Yes," I cheered, and Stampy slid the ring on my finger. He got up and kissed me, and then turned it into a hug. Our friends were all hugging and freaking out. I could tell that Bri and Leela were going to become close to us, and I could tell that they would be at the wedding.

Stampy and I walked over to our small group, and we all started hugging each other. It was filled with a bunch of cheering voices saying "congratulations", and I could tell they were all on the edge of crying.

A few tears had already escaped my eyes.

Bri's POV

As a 16 year old girl, I have never experienced something like that. I have wanted to ever since I saw it in a movie, and it was just as amazing as I thought it would be.

Leela and I are very close friends. Just like Emily and Sqaishey, we live together. My older sister is 25, so we live in her place. We're all close to each other, and we can tell each other anything.

That night, I checked Twitter. Leela and I have a fan account together, and it's very popular. We have 13.6k followers, and we love that we can tell our followers anything. It's a multifandom account, with a large mix of things, but one of them being sqampy.

I saw that Sqaishey and Stampy had tweeted, and I got Leela's attention.

"Leela, did you see what Sqaishey and Stampy tweeted?" I asked her. We share a room, so I don't have to move to talk to her. It's quite nice.

"No, what did they say?" She asked and jumped over to my bed.

"Tonight was amazing. Stampy and I are now engaged!" I read Sqaishey's tweet aloud. Stampy's was pretty much the same. Leela and I had a fangirl moment. We decided to tweet one of the pictures we all took together from tonight and congratulate them.

Pretty much all the tweets we got were along the lines of "your're so lucky you got to hang out with them!" but we didn't mind at all. This was a big thing for all of us. The people we've shipped for years are getting married!

"The ship has sailed! I repeat, the ship has sailed!" I squealed as I bounced around our room. We have pictures of all our idols on our walls, and it gives our room a nice touch. There's Stampy and Sqaishey, Dan and Phil, 5 Seconds of Summer, and so much more. Mainly YouTubers and music.

Emily's POV

I am so happy for Stampy and Sqaishey. They are such a good couple. I looked over at Bri and Leela, and I could see that they were crying as well. I looked over at Squid, and he had tears in his eyes. He saw me looking and brought me in for a hug, but was more like a hug from the side. I grabbed Bri and Leela and hugged them too. It's amazing how I comfortable I feel with them. About 2 hours ago, they were just 2 other fans, but now, they're our friends, and I feel like they will be for a long time.

When we got home we all celebrated. We decided to stay up late watching movies, and the movies would be Stampy and Sqaishey's choices. We all went upstairs to change into our pajamas.

"Hey Sqaish?" I asked Sqaishey when she was done changing. She nodded her head as a signal for me to ask the question. I could see she was fiddling with her ring, a smile never leaving her face. I couldn't help but smile too.

"How does it feel to be engaged?" I asked her. She looked at me, and motioned for me to sit next to her on the bed.

"It feels amazing. Kinda the same feeling as when yo reach a certain amount of subscribers, but it's so much more than that. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach, but it's the best feeling I've ever felt," she replied. I hugged her. I could not put my happiness for her into words.

"You have no idea how happy I am for you. I can't even put it into words," I cried as a tear left my eye. Sqaishey squeezed me.

"Don't cry. Some day, this will be you. And I think it will be Squid who will give you the ring," Sqaishey said, nudging and winking me like a child. I let out a laugh as she wiped away my tears. There is nobody else that I would want to be my best friend.

"Are you gonna invite Bri and Leela to the wedding?" I asked.

"I was thinking about that too, and I think I will. They were really cool, and I feel like I trust them enough to invite them." I nodded and we got up and went downstairs.

I can tell that these next few months are gonna be stressful and amazing.

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