The Big Day

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Sqaishey's POV

      I stared into the mirror and smoothed down my dress.

      Today is the day. The day my life changes for good.

      If I saw myself back in June I never would have believed this. I would try to say Beth, you're going to get married in a year or so, but me being myself, I wouldn't believe it.

      But can you blame me?

      I will admit it, mine and Stampy's relationship moved ahead quickly. If my mum were there at the time she wouldn't let me do this, but it was love at first sight. I went from being a fangirl to where I am now, getting ready to marry the man I love.

      It's quite crazy to think about. I've come so far, and I guess you could even say I'm famous. Sure, I'm not famous in the sense of having the paparazzi following me around everywhere I go, but I'm internet famous. In a way, people that are internet famous have a bit more freedom in public.

      "Uh, Sqaish, we have a problem," Emily peeked through the door into the room I was supposed to get ready in for the wedding. I was almost completely ready, I just had to calm myself.

      Emily starred at me and covered her mouth. Her eyes glistened with tears.

      "What?" I asked, concerned.

      "It's just you look so beautiful. I can't believe this is happening," She cried.

      The girl hugged me as she cried into my shoulder. A sob escaped her lips and I felt my heart shatter. I knew that she was just happy for me, but it hurt me when Emily cried. No matter what she was crying for.

      Especially when she cried hard like this. Then I felt like a bad friend.

      Boy was I glad she was wearing waterproof mascara.

      "Hey, it's okay. We have to be happy today," I said as I rubbed Emily's back and hugged her. She nodded.

      "Don't worry, they're happy tears. I promise, Sqaish."

      I smiled at her, and it was a real smile.

      "Are you nervous?" Emily giggled as she held my sweaty hands. We just laughed.

      "Why wouldn't I be? Today is the day where my life changes, Em. It's like I've been hit by the truck of happiness-" I couldn't even finish my sentence without Emily interrupting with laughter at my analogy, so I had to wait until she calmed down to continue. "-as I was saying, it's like I've been hit by the truck of happiness. It hurts a little to know that everything is going to change, but because it's the truck of happiness I'm ecstatic. You know what I mean? Being hit by a truck will most likely leave a permanent mark on my body, representing the chance of divorce, but I'm happy because there's always that spark inside me."

      Emily looked shocked that I had thought about this so much, but things like this take a long time to think about. Tears started in Emily's eyes again, and I automatically regretted mentioning divorce. She doesn't want my marriage to end badly.

      I smiled softly, afraid of breaking her. "Don't worry about it, okay? If anything I should be the one worrying. Go back to Squid, I bet he's wondering where you are."

      Emily just nodded and slowly walked out of the door.

      I sighed and sat back down, staring at myself in the mirror.

      I really did look beautiful, as conceded as that sounds.

      I was startled to hear the door open again.

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