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Sqaishey's POV

7 months later

      It's been 7 months since Stampy proposed to me. A few things have happened since then. Emily is pregnant, Stampy and I got a cat named Ori and a dog named Alyx. Life is going pretty great. We all still live in the same house and don't plan on leaving. It's big enough for both couples to start a family in.

      I'm 19 now, and I feel that I have some more independence. It's not much of a difference from 18, but now some people see you as older, an adult even. I don't go to collage because I get paid by making YouTube videos, and I don't plan on quitting any time soon. With all of our money combined, we have enough to live on. When you have 4 people living in the same house you learn to help each other out with money problems and other things.

      I trotted down stairs to find Emily looking through the kitchen for something to eat, but this wasn't hunger. It's 3:00 in the morning.

      "Having cravings again?" I laughed.

      "3 months left until these are over," she replied with a giggle. I walked over to her and saw that she had a cup of hot chocolate. I gave her a smile as I grabbed gram crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate. She put her cup down and waddled to the couch.

      "Have you and Squid thought about names yet?" I asked as I waited for her smores to be done in the microwave. I know that's not the proper way to make one, but I don't have fire or anything around me. It still tastes fine in the microwave anyway.

      "Not necessarily...I've been thinking about it, but we haven't really discussed it." Emily admitted. I handed the smores to her and she ate it in about 10 seconds. I waited until she finished.

      "What are some of the names you have in mind?"

      "Since the baby will be a girl, I was thinking of Amanda or Skylar."

      I nodded. "Those are nice names." Emily nodded in response. There was silence for a minute. We were both just thinking.

      "You know what's crazy?" Emily breathed. I raised my eyebrow. "Look at how far we've come. I think about this so often. We have been through so much together. Not only just us, but Stampy and Squid too. You and I became YouTubers, we're famous now, we've met so many cool people, Cassandra attacked us, you're engaged, I'm pregnant, and there's probably other things I'm missing. But think about it. The 4 of us are so close, and we also have Bri and Leela. It's crazy."

      "It really is crazy," Stampy said. We looked over in his direction and saw him and Squid standing on the stairs with a smile on each of their faces. Tears were in my eyes as I smiled and shook my head. They joined us on the couch.

      "How long were you guys standing there for?" I asked.

      "Only about a minute," Squid replied. "what are you guys doing up at this time of night though? Is Emily having cravings again?" We all laughed as Emily pushed him playfully.

      "What about you guys? You're awake right now too, which means we're not the only ones up this late," Emily giggled.

      "Haha, good one, but we're not the ones who are pregnant. You need to get your sleep," Squid joked, but he wasn't kidding about her needing to get her sleep. Emily rolled her eyes and got up. She walked slowly to the stairs and waved at us, a signal that she's going to sleep. Squid followed her to make sure she doesn't fall down the stairs, and he went to bed too. Stampy and I stayed there and cuddled for a bit. We stayed awake for another half an hour, and then we went to bed as well.


      A week later Emily and I went out to lunch with Bri and Leela. My wedding is in 2 weeks, so we still have a little bit of planning to do. Such as we still need to know the bridesmaid's dress sizes, but the bridesmaids are going to be Bri, Emily and Leela so that wont be a problem. We are going to have a few other bridesmaids which will be Amy, Stacy, and Netty, which means we need to find out their dress sizes as well.

      I scrolled through my phone as we waited for our food to be made. My feed was filled with questions about the wedding, and it has been since I announced it 7 months ago.

      "Are you excited for your big day?" Leela asked with excitement in her voice.

      "Extremely," I laughed. Our food arrived and we started to eat.

      "Jeez Em, how much did you order?" Bri exclaimed. We all laughed.

      "Here's a lesson my dear children. When you're pregnant, you get a lot of cravings, and it's very hard to-" Emily began.

      "We already have health class, I don't think we need to hear this," Leela giggled. I truly love how close we all are.

      The next hour we just talked about the wedding and random things. It was quite nice to just relax for a while and not be stressed. I missed that feeling.

      Emily and I dropped Bri and Leela off at their house and made our way to my mom's house. She technically lives with my grandma, but my grandma is on a vacation so she's out of town. She went with a few of her friends. She's 67, so she deserves it.

      "Hi Mrs. Bates," Emily greeted once mum opened the door. Mum smiled and hugged her as she motioned for us to come inside. She hugged me as well.

      "Wow Emily, I haven't seen you in a while and I must say, you're doing a much better job getting around than I did when I was pregnant," mum laughed. We all sat down on the couch and talked for a bit. We didn't talk about anything specific, we just talked. Sometimes you just need to talk to your mum, especially in my case because I thought she was dead for all these years.

      After about 2 hours of chatting with mum, Emily and I decided to go home. It was getting quite late, and we still needed to eat dinner.

      "Have we completely neglected the fact that your dad can't walk you up the isle?" Emily asked from the passenger seat. My eyes went wide at the thought. My dad ran away when I was 3, so he can't be here to walk me down the isle. I sighed.

      "I completely forgot," I admitted. I didn't forget the fact that I no longer have a dad, but I didn't think about how I will have no one to walk me down the isle.

      Emily and I had tears in our eyes. "We can ask my dad if he can walk you," Emily suggested. I nodded in response as we pulled up at the house.

      I thought we had covered everything about the wedding.

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