The End of All Things

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Possible trigger warning: Sqaishey basically has a mental breakdown (crying, yelling, etc.), death


Sqaishey's POV

Squid and I rushed to the room Emily was being rolled into. I was actually happy, even though the love of my life is unconscious. My best friend that I've known for most of my life is giving birth, I was so insanely excited.

Squid seemed extremely nervous, but he also seemed like he was feeling a bunch of different emotions. I didn't know what he was thinking, but I'm pretty sure he didn't either.

Emily looked like she was about to have an anxiety attack. If I were her I'd be feeling the same way I thought. After thinking this I smiled, not being able to stop myself from thinking about my future with Stampy. We would have kids, maybe move out of the house we live in now, and live a beautiful life. Hopefully, my children will be close with Emily's.

"Sqaish! Call Bri and Leela! Tell them to come here!" Emily yelled at me. I quickly nodded my head, and once my phone was in my hands I almost dropped it. Squid chuckled at me, and I couldn't help but smile. No matter what he's feeling, he always finds a way to laugh, which is something I love about him.

Knowing that they would be together, I decided to call Leela.

"Hello?" She giggled when she answered the phone, probably laughing at something Bri said.

"H-hey Leela. Is Bri with you?" I stuttered, not being able to hide my emotions.

"Yeah, are you okay? You sound anxious."

"I'm fine, we just need you guys at the hospital. E-Emily is giving birth!"

Bri and Leela gasped on the other line, followed by lots of shuffling.

"We're leaving the house right now, we'll be right there!" Leela yelled with excitement after she hung up.

I smiled. "They're on their way, Em." She sighed, but it was a sigh of relief. "Don't you want your parents to be here?"

"We talked about this with them before, and we said we wanted to experience this alone. I guess it's not going to happen like we thought it would," she laughed, nervously. I lightly pushed Squid over to her, which resulted in him looking down at me. I nodded my head towards Emily, signaling for him to go over to her. Sometimes I couldn't believe how stupid he can be. His girlfriend is giving birth, and he's standing by the chairs instead of beside her!

Minutes later Bri and Leela stormed into the room. They were carrying chocolate and I let out a giggle. Leela rushed over to Emily to ask how she was doing, and Bri plopped down in a chair. She was out of breath, which I'm pretty sure means they ran here.

While Bri and Emily were making small talk, Squid came back and sat down in a chair. He sighed and held his head in his hands.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him, but I knew the answer was obvious.

"Beyond it," he chuckled. I smiled at him, turning to Leela. I asked her how she was doing, and how living with Bri and her sister was.

An hour passed and Emily still hasn't given birth. We were all waiting impatiently, excited to see the baby. Now that I think about it, I've never really considered what their child would look like. The baby would probably have green eyes because green is more dominant than blue.

All of a sudden, Emily started whining and groaning. She seemed like she was uncomfortable.

"Miss, it's time," the doctor said with a sweet smile on her face. Squid's eyes were popping out of his head. I've never seen him so nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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