How Many Times Are We Gonna Come Here?

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Possible trigger warning: hospitals

Sqaishey's POV

      My senses were slowly coming back.

      "Guys, I think she's waking up!" I heard Emily whisper shout, followed by a bunch of other whispers.

      All of a sudden I sprung up. Looking around the room, I realized that I was in a hospital. Great I thought.

      "What happened?" I asked with confusion in my voice. Looking over at Emily, I noticed that there were tear stains on her cheeks. A small smile appeared on her face.

      "You fainted because of shock," the doctor spoke up. I hadn't even noticed she was there.

      Suddenly I remembered what happened. Stampy was stabbed.

      I guess Emily could tell that I remembered, so she walked over to me and held my hands.

      "He's okay," she whispered as she choked on her tears. I didn't know if she was telling the truth, or just telling me this to make me feel better. He could be dead for all I know.

      In the middle of our conversation, the door bursts open. Leela and Bri are standing there, and they're out of breath. I notice their eyes are watery, and I immediately feel guilty.

      "Thank god you're okay," Bri says as they both come over to hug me.

      "You shouldn't be worried about me. If anything, Stampy is the one you should be worried about," I admitted.

      "We know what happened. Emily explained." Leela grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "We're here for you if you need anything."

      I smiled. Who knew great people like them existed.

      "How much longer does she have to stay in this room, doc?" Squid asked the doctor. He kept nervously shifting.

      "I think she should be okay to leave now. Bethany, you just have to sign some things, then you can see Joseph," the doctor replied. I nodded and took the papers from her hand. She gave me a pen, and I tried to sign them as quick as I could.

      When we were finally aloud to leave, I sighed once we left the room. Laughing nervously, I began to speak.

      "Gosh, we come here a lot." I giggled. "I wonder when our lives will settle down and we'll stop having our lives threatened."

      Thankfully, I got my friends to laugh with me.

      "So, where is Stampy's room?"

      "That's the thing. He's going through surgery right now, so we can't see him for a few hours. I think the doctor said about 4 hours, but it could take a little longer," Squid replied. I sighed and closed my eyes, a method I use to suck up my tears. I nodded quickly and went to the food court.

      Looking at my phone, I realized that I was out for 3 hours. It's now 6:00 at night. No wonder why I'm hungry, I would normally be eating dinner.

      "I'm pretty sure it's not a good thing that we've gotten used to hospital food," Emily laughed. We sat at our normal table, and it kinda of reminded me of school. I think Emily thought the same thing, because the look on her face is one that she only wore at school.

      It feels like school ended forever ago. My life has changed so much since then. Now, I actually like my life. I have people that care about me, even though I've always had Emily. I got my mom back. Most importantly, I met the man I love.

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